2024/08/09 13:31:00
I'm certainly not endeared to Trump. He's so narcissistical, egotistical, megalomaniacal, and probably a few other adjectives, but it's NOT him. It's the policies that I approve of and vote for.
I don't own ANY Trump paraphernalia.

You are in a very small minority of the GOP. There were a few candidates about 3-4 months ago that had virtually identical policies and were rejected by the GOP. The vast majority of the GOP are worshiping a false idol. The others are enabling.
2024/08/09 14:15:06
Me either mitch I can't stand Trump as a person BUT his policies are the correct ones and have worked. The more comes out about the two current lunatics on the democratic ticket the more this honeymoon period will end heck even CNN is on their back they can't talk about issues and plans b/c they have none. just a shoutout to Pork I also have not one singlr Trump paraphernalia and all my paraphernalia is based on my hero's the military and the ones under the white crosses 
2024/08/09 14:46:23
What are both of your thoughts on the policies in the Project 2025? I would be just fine with the military assisting the border, after passing the bill that the Senate had put together in bipartisan fashion. Much of the rest is scary horrible. Do you agree with Trump’s policy to stop the border bill, so Biden wouldn’t get a political win? Which took years of negotiations. What about the policy to call the 2020 election a fraud and Trump the real winner? Do you think Biden should adopt that policy if he is voted out?
2024/08/09 16:46:52
 "Biden should adopt that policy if he is voted out?"
 Well, according to Sir Trump Biden might crash the upcoming convention and take power back. He can dream!!
2024/08/09 17:02:22
You are in a very small minority of the GOP. There were a few candidates about 3-4 months ago that had virtually identical policies and were rejected by the GOP. 

That's true, but Trump was already coronated long before Pennsylvania's and quite a few other states' primaries, or my dilemma would have been: should I go DeSantis, Haley, or Burgum? They all bailed 'cause the Trump groundswell was too big.
On Project 2025, I'm totally against nearly everything, (possibly all) of the things they stand for. Born of the extreme right fringe of the Trump Administration by ex-employees, even Trump, though admitting he knew the president and chief officer, has dis-avowed their agenda. They have a budget of around $20 mil but they're gonna go nowhere. Donations to them are extremely weak and come from grass roots type individuals. The American public would reject them soundly if only they knew what they really stand for. But America's never gonna know 'cause the mainstream media will not tell them what 2025 is advocating; they only report that their agenda is bad and that Trump supports them, which is BS. But that's the way it is in politics. It is low down and disingenuious, which is normal, but I believe the media not reporting the full story is election interference. JMHO!!!
While we're on the subject, I certainly wouldn't mind the Freedom Caucus toning it down a bit and moving a little to the center. Two of their members recently lost their primaries to their challengers. Freedom Caucus is possibly the biggest problem why nothing gets done, (or done right) in the House.
2024/08/09 17:17:43
Dang it!! I forgot to comment on the border bill. Trump was right and the House was right to shoot it down. The so called "bipartisan" bill originated in the Senate by a committee of 'Crats and Republican RINOs. It still would have allowed 1.8 million illegals in per year, and gave power to the President to say WHOA! only after the crossings hit 5000 per day. I don't know how any politician, let alone Republicans, would present a load of crap like that. Had that passed, you can be sure the coyotes would have had 4,999 lined up at the crossings each day 'cause they're not about to give up their cash cows. The real border bill which would have mostly cured the problem was passed in the House a year ago in July. It is called HR1. It's been sittin' on Schumer's desk in the Senate ever since, and he's not gonna put it on the floor for a vote 'cause it may well pass with a bipartisan majority, and that would really put Biden on the spot for a veto. It's a sure thing that some Democrat senators also want to curb the illegals.
2024/08/10 00:13:37
“Tampon Tim” lol.

Ask your wives or girlfriends or daughters, or any actual woman you have ever met in your life, whether they think it’s a good idea to provide tampons and pads to kids in school.

Do you right wingers just hate women that much? Or are you really that out touch with actual women that you think this is something to attack him on?

Good luck with that.

My Idiot he got the name because he has spent hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars  putting them in boys rooms. I including if you know any would considerer that bizarre don't you think  your boys have
put men in girls rooms and in girls sports and now menstrual products in boy's rooms.I guess this is the new Inclusion part of their DEI.

Oh ok I get it. You hate women AND trans people too. Of course, how could I forget.

Terrific Tim.... Thank you for helping the kids. Next the right will be saying the schools are putting Kitty Litter boxes in the school rest rooms for kids that dress like a Cat  
  Fox news puts out so much FALSE info on Some of their shows without backchecking or just to start fake rumors to make people look bad. They are only hurting themself on this election just like the last one.
 Could be a landslide if they keep giving free ammo to their opponent.   
2024/08/10 01:20:33
Man, you can actually feel it. MAGA's absolutely scrambling, and Trump camp has zero answer for Harris. 

The Fundraising alone - wild. 
2024/08/10 09:49:14
Man, you can actually feel it. MAGA's absolutely scrambling, and Trump camp has zero answer for Harris. 

The Fundraising alone - wild. 

The rallies are drawing big crowds too, maybe even bigger that trumps. And they are trolling Trump hard for it too. Last night in phoenix, walz reportedly said something to the effect of “this is the largest political gathering in the history of Arizona… but who cares about crowd sizes”.

As somebody who has spent time performing on stages, it gets easier and you get better at it when you do it more. Harris has been the presumptive nominee for less than a month, and Walz less than a week. I’d say they are just starting to get the hang of campaigning like this.

Trump was campaigning in Bozeman Montana last night, I guess because they are going hard to win tester’s senate seat? Somebody should tell him he might have bigger problems to worry about right now.

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