2024/08/09 09:59:12
OK to supply them in school OK.
In the boys rooms too??-cmonn your TDS isnt that far gone is it?
Face it -thats just plain dopy.
And when you write an excuse dont include Trump--he had nothing to do with this idiocy
2024/08/09 10:33:52
“Tampon Tim” lol.

Ask your wives or girlfriends or daughters, or any actual woman you have ever met in your life, whether they think it’s a good idea to provide tampons and pads to kids in school.

Do you right wingers just hate women that much? Or are you really that out touch with actual women that you think this is something to attack him on?

Good luck with that.

My Idiot he got the name because he has spent hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars  putting them in boys rooms. I including if you know any would considerer that bizarre don't you think  your boys have
put men in girls rooms and in girls sports and now menstrual products in boy's rooms.I guess this is the new Inclusion part of their DEI.

Oh ok I get it. You hate women AND trans people too. Of course, how could I forget.

I do not hate women Ive been married to my wife for 56 years and have granddaughters  But I can even define what a women is unlike your hero's ,what moron would put tampons in boy's bathrooms for what purpose?What moron would allow their daughters to to shower with boys with genitals.,or boy's in their women's sports? You left one word out in your post not kids in school but boy's bathrooms. The only one on this forum that is out of touch with almost every topic is you MyWar.
2024/08/09 10:49:43
OK to supply them in school OK.
In the boys rooms too??-cmonn your TDS isnt that far gone is it?
Face it -thats just plain dopy

I actually have friends that are trans, and I don’t think it’s “just plain dopy” to have compassion for people that are different than I am.

But we already knew that the right believes trans people and “childless cat ladies” shouldn’t have the same rights as straight white Christian men. No surprise there.

However don’t be surprised when “tampon Tim” backfires because you have to explain “we aren’t insulting women, we are insulting trans people”.
2024/08/09 11:42:27

Just to clarify here Ice - 

Also, I want: The New Green Deal



 Older people have a harder time with changes than the youth. Heck I haven't even tried to order a hotdog from Sheetz yet since they put screens in for making up your own order  Didn't get a cell phone until 5 years ago, never had one my whole life, why would I need one now? I would tell my wife  Still don't have a debit card, always carry cash 
 When hot air balloons, blimps and trying to make flying machines many, many people said "if God wanted us to fly he would've given us wings" Same type of comments made when the horseless buggy was in the makings. What about the mad scientists (Dr. Frankenstein's) same thing many people weren't very happy.
 I'm with the Green going forward though. Should have started investing into way more 50 years ago. Big oil $$$ is hard to fight though. Should've listened to Al Gore at the time. Did he win the election? 
2024/08/09 11:53:13
Hey War-
nice try
2024/08/09 12:08:48
Heck I haven't even tried to order a hotdog from Sheetz yet since they put screens in for making up your own order 

Too many better options. 
Death dogs were meant to come off of a roller and the consumer load up his/her own chili, cheese, kraut, pickles, jalapenos and mustard.  That is the unwritten rule of 7-11.
2024/08/09 12:50:52
As for this debate stuff...  I live among the suburban Independent voter block that has decided just about every presidential election in the past 50 years.  I have spent the last 15 years away on weekends with soccer Moms and baseball Dads or whatever sport.  Weekends that I am not away with many, I am hanging out with others in my neighborhood.  No doubt there are some ruby red Republican and solid blue Democrats in my neighborhood.  But most do not fall in line with either side.  Many of my neighbors are police, who lean Republican since the assault on police by the looney far left.  Many of my other neighbors (many married to said police) are teachers, who lean Democrat from the decades long assault on the public education system by all Republicans, not just the lunatic far fight.  I also have a bunch of Nepalese and other immigrant neighbors.  I am not sure what their political affiliations are, but know the MAGA neighbors can't stand them...
Most look into these allegations, policies and don't just fall for the brain dead one liner party line BS.  To think this Tampon Tim (although I do like the name) thing is going to sway any of them to Trump is beyond laughable.  Especially any women or any with daughters.  Sure, the ones with daughters in sports, don't want them competing against boys.  But beyond that, most know someone that is in that LGB whatever the other letter category and are not transphobia types.  I.e. they don't care one bit if someone wants to be trans.  Same with the Walz military "coward" BS.  Trump's side, with a draft dodger at the top of the ticket, accusing Walz of avoiding combat...  Especially when there is a timeline of him running for Congress and then retiring, fall before his unit is ANNOUNCED for deployment (not deployed, but announced).  Maybe he had insider info and decided that he would run for Congress to get out of it, after going 4 years longer than his eligible retirement date?  Even if the case, I'm betting most Independent voters are probably going to look at who is accusing him (draft dodger) and laugh harder than the Tampon Tim BS. 
I just don't see their current path ending in anything beyond a major landslide loss of the Independent vote, that has been needed for every presidential election cycle since I have been alive.
2024/08/09 13:18:19
Trump wants 3 debates.....betting Harris will find a way to avoid doing more than 1. Weird, Harris is so much younger than Biden, but she cant do a presser or talk to the media without the teleprompter. 

Been 20 days now and still no presser? Maybe she'd be content to go to the basement and let the media carry water for her so she doesn't have to answer any questions without the teleprompter, just like Joe did.
2024/08/09 13:25:35
No body said or implied Trump was a hero,

How many Trump signs, shirts, stickers, flags do you own? The guy is a hero to his cult. Most have far more Trump worship items then they have of Jesus or whatever religion they claim to worship. Possibly you are in the minority of Trumpers.

I'm certainly not endeared to Trump. He's so narcissistical, egotistical, megalomaniacal, and probably a few other adjectives, but it's NOT him. It's the policies that I approve of and vote for.
I don't own ANY Trump paraphernalia.

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