2024/07/27 21:28:22
Vance is looking like an absolute nightmare pick. 
2024/07/28 13:43:30
200 million raised in less than a week. 
2024/07/28 21:44:54
That's a lotta cash. 

Still waiting to see what the Harris attacks will be. Gonna assume it'll settle on inexperience or something along those lines + the border. 

Ya know the saying "they go low, and we go high"? Seen a ton of that in regards to Trumps campaigns, SCOTUS appointments, etc in the last X years or so, and how Dems "Go High". This whole Harris running thing is low low low. Interesting to see play out. 
2024/07/28 22:39:25
 I tuned in to one of his rallies yesterday. Would've watched for 20 minutes or so to hear what's up. He spoke for ten minutes about his golf game and how smart he is because he is great at golf. Last thing I wanted to hear about plans for the Country so went back to doing yardwork. 
2024/07/29 00:15:44
That's a lotta cash. 

Still waiting to see what the Harris attacks will be. Gonna assume it'll settle on inexperience or something along those lines + the border. 

Oh I think they’ve been zeroing in on some of the talking points already:

1) like you says they’re gonna call her the failed “border czar” because of the “invasion” blah blah blah. This is a perennial right wing talking point. No surprise there. I’m not sure if this resonates with anybody outside of the base tho, but you know it’s coming.

2) I’m seeing “California liberal” and “dangerously liberal” phrases. They are already playing ads with a bunch of stuff she said from the 2020 primary when she was trying to “out progressive” Bernie sanders or whatever. For example she said she would ban fracking, so I expect ads in PA to really hammer that point. Some of this stuff might stick with moderate voters, especially if they can fine tune the messaging to local issues (again, like fracking in PA).

3) there is the whole “she covered up Biden’s dementia” or whatever. I don’t think this will be effective at all and I expect them to drop this pretty soon.

I think the fact that she dances, or she laughs, or the whole coconut tree thing is kind of backfiring and it’s actually endearing her to people. I’m sure republicans eat this shiit up but moderates not so much.

It’s still a little early to read too much into polling, but polling so far is looking pretty good for Harris. I think it was the latest Times Siena poll that showed her approval rating up like 8 points and her disapproval down like 3 points, so like a 10 or 11 point swing in a week. That’s only one data point but it’s encouraging.

Trumps polling on the other hand is totally stagnant. He does not appear to be experiencing any kind of convention bounce, or a sympathy bounce from the assassination attempt. I think we are at the point where trumps support is at a ceiling and Harris’s is at her floor. And NOBODY likes JD Vance. That’s not good for trumps campaign.
2024/07/29 09:00:16
I wouldn’t say nobody likes Vance. His “Hillbilly Elegy” is one of the most streamed movies on Netflix. It shines a positive light on him as a human struggling with issues. He is a veteran with a Yale law degree. He was admitted through good grades at a state school, not legacy admitted. The vet portion is huge to many and honestly, I would support amending the Constitution to have this as a requirement to be Commander in Chief. The non-legacy Yale degree, I am sure resonates with many intellectuals that worked hard and earned high level degrees (suburban moderate) and not born into money and given Ivy League degrees like many politicians and other 1%ers. If it were Vance vs Biden, I’d have Vance signs in my front yard, regardless of the nonsense cat lady comments he made.

That said, some of his statements are clearly far right social conservative, borderline crazy person. Which is sort of excepted of the movement. Not sure if he even believes in that nonsense or just says it to rile up the base? Not likely playing well with the independent vote though?

To me, inflation is the issue that will decide things. Each side has about 38% of voters tied into their side, with about 25% remaining moderate independent. These are mostly higher educated suburbanites that will really look at each sides arguments and determine which is more factual. They aren’t going to be swayed by the simple party chants of complex issues. Those with the best logical fact driven argument will get more of that 25% slice of the pie. There are other issues like the border or abortion, but I don’t think there is anything that hits the suburban soccer mom type (or football dad, baseball uncle, etc) more than the cost of groceries and other daily costs that have changed the life they envisioned for their families. Is their pay rebounding to the new normal economy? Do they see things getting better or worse? I think most WILL/HAVE looked the other way on issues like border, abortion, access for all to health insurance, environment and other that may be “important” to them, to secure the way of living they feel they deserve.

With someone actually capable of making that debate on the Dems side along with “do you guys remember what happened 4 years ago when Trump lost” and able to add other issues like abortion, I see this as a landslide. But need to address inflation as top priority. If she is unable to make that debate and economist line up saying Dem policy was the driving factor of inflation, I don’t think any other issues will matter and will be an extremely close Trump win. I can’t see him ever getting enough independent support for a landslide victory. Even with the corpse still in, I’d bet popular vote would still go Biden.
2024/07/29 09:19:08
Harris is now and always has been much further left than Biden==a clear choice to be made here,
2024/07/29 09:34:19
LMAO...bunch of liberal self talk on here over the weekend. Do any of yinz go outside and touch grass? Must be a miserable life talking Trump and politics on weekends. 
2024/07/29 11:12:47
 Been retired for over 15 years so been on a long weekend since. Have three properties to take care of not counting one of my son's and my old man's. The three up near Pymy Lake and Fathers  are not small. Just wanted to see how he and Harris were doing on the campaign live speeches while on water break.
 You are right though, can't watch either one of them speaking for more than a few minutes. Life is to short. 
 Heading back out now to finish wackin' the yard at home and get some more exercise. This long weekend ain't made up as I thought.
2024/07/29 11:34:24
 Heading back out now to finish wackin' the yard at home and get some more exercise. This long weekend ain't made up as I thought.

You are retired. It should say fishin then wackin. And not the yard…

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