2024/07/24 12:09:36
Trump had Biden beat and they forced Biden out in favor of Harris.
If Trump is beating Harris at the time of the DNC Convention, we may find out who third choice is-lol
2024/07/24 13:35:11
 I will again be surprised if they let him finish out his term instead of making Kamala the "incumbent" president elect.

  Another reason why it wouldn't happen is if there is a second Jan. 6th. Trump will never accept a defeat. Guess who would be making the call to announce the winner without a sitting VP?    
2024/07/24 14:17:18
Can’t wait for FoxNews and the nazi followers to do an about face, if Biden is pulled.

He’s brain dead, completely incapable of running again, can’t finish a full sentence.

Pull him for another candidate. No way, he is perfectly capable to run for reelection. We need the Supreme Court to block the Dem party from such a crime of changing candidates. It was all a fix by the Deep State. Mars lasers to turn us all gaahhh.

This guy was like Nostradamus.
2024/07/24 15:35:02
I was thinking of something more along the lines of Nostradumbass.
2024/07/24 15:52:32
I was thinking of something more along the lines of Nostradumbass.

You can think?
2024/07/24 16:33:26
Just remember Harris claimed how capable Biden is right up till he quit the race,
Think the DNC met with the Bud Light people before their decision,
2024/07/24 17:22:24
We all knew Biden wasn't capable of going 4 more years, well before the debate.  Pretty sure most in his cabinet was aware of that too.  The debate performance convinced everyone at that point. His closest inner circle didn't allow it.  How many families would want to admit that and give up on him for what he lived his life for?  I plan to fight until the day that I die for my family for much lower power/pride/etc.  
Voters in many primaries were voting undecided or other in Dem primaries to show descent.  Polls among Dems were something like 70% wanting him to drop out.  Both candidates are far too old and far too out of touch with the average American.  One admitted to it finally and stepped aside.  The other still can't admit that he LOST the last election, yet admit he is far too old and out of touch.  He will do the same BS when he gets destroyed in this election.
Policy wise, the platform is half horrible and half status quo governing on one side.  The other side runs a different platform that is half horrible and half status quo governing.  I think most Americans that aren't in the bases of each party feel similar.  They want someone that they can relate to and willing to vote the other party for that.  Haley vs. Biden would have been a bloodbath.  The same will happen with Harris vs. Trump.
Is it "they" that has Trump in the race, where MAGA will definitely lose?  I mean, Haley getting in would have been a landslide victory???  
Is it "they" that would have picked whatever candidate won, if Biden decided to not run for reelection during the primary? Pretty sure the sediment was that "they" chose Obama, Clinton and Biden, no?   Pretty sure many would say it was “they” that selected whoever.
Is "they" maybe just a convenient excuse?
2024/07/24 18:10:58
I was thinking of something more along the lines of Nostradumbass.

You can think?

You should have saw that coming, Nostradamus.
2024/07/24 22:39:24
I'm still tryin' to figure out who died and annointed Harris the ultimate nominee. Nobody voted for Harris for president in the primaries; she rode on Bidens' coat tail simply because her name was on the ticket as VP. How does she already have 1300+ delegates when nobody has even voted at the not yet held convention? The way I see it, as soon as Biden threw in the towel, any democrat interested in the presidency should have immediately filed to run, (maybe petittion the election committee to get their name on the ballot),  begin raising money, and get out on the trail. Kennedy is still at it, but what about Dean Phillips,  Maryanne Williamson, or any others? The Democrat Party is screwing their own constituents by dis-enfranchising them of their vote, not to mention the millions of dollars donated to Biden for President, not Harris, because they so desperately want to stay in power and even increase their government hold. According to FEC law, Biden's remaining $91 mil must be returned to the donors unless Biden resigns the presidency, and it is not a Party power to immediately pass it into Harris's coffers. The republicans are challenging the 'Crat Party for giving Joe's money to Harris, and they should. It's a friggin' LAW!! But they'll do it anyway 'cause the Crats don't pay any attention to the Constitution or the laws that they helped pass. And nothing will happen to them when they do it 'cause they're Democrats, and when you're a Democrat, it's different.
2024/07/24 22:41:51
I was thinking of something more along the lines of Nostradumbass.

You can think?

You should have saw that coming, Nostradamus.

Nostradamus said history will look on Donald trump as a self serving narcissistic clown, and the people that supported him unconditionally will be seen as chumps and poor fools.

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