2024/07/23 08:12:21
The director of the Secret Service is DEI in action, what a pitiful performance on capital hill. Why hasnt Biden fired her yet? 
2024/07/23 08:43:21
  Seems she was strict / demanding to the people below her from my research. Reason for not being popular. A VP should be just that if you ask me.  

Ezra Klein did a pretty good podcast about Harris a few weeks ago. The co-host of this episode shadowed Harris for awhile and they talk about the reported problems Harris had with her staff as well as a bunch of other stuff. It’s definitely worth a listen.

2024/07/23 08:49:32
The director of the Secret Service is DEI in action, what a pitiful performance on capital hill. Why hasnt Biden fired her yet? 

It isn't just her, but agree that the buck stops with her.  She wasn't on site.  Reports of that kid on the building for 15 minutes, spotted by a SWAT team.  If that report is correct, whoever was making the calls on site to not IMMEDIATELY confront the kid is a complete failure on so many levels.  If you are a LEO, do you really need permission from the site commander or 10 levels above them to simply go and check out what is going on?
She will be fired, no doubt.  I imagine whoever the site command was and likely many others.  I would guess having them not fired right now makes investigating a bit easier, without them all surrounded by attorneys pleading the 5th like Trump.
2024/07/23 10:56:36
She just quit--good
Hey, how about Sharpton for VP--get it overwith
2024/07/23 11:40:36
Glad cheatle is gone.

Hopefully this sets a new precedent in this country for incompetent cops, so when they fail to do their jobs properly, they lose them.
2024/07/23 12:38:54
 Yeah, over a 100 million raised since Biden stepped down. Will just be nice to see someone that can skip or dance up and down those stairs while boarding or getting off at the landing strips from now on 
  Hold my breath when watching Biden or Trump on the stairs. 
Watched some of the LARGE black events she has attended in the past few years. Seems to have had great times (fun) and the crowds seemed to love her.  
  Seems she was strict / demanding to the people below her from my research. Reason for not being popular. A VP should be just that if you ask me.  

I think she brings a lot of "fresh air" to the current political climate, similar to when Obama ran for president after the political tensions of the GWB years.  While she is no Obama, she has the charisma to give people hope for change.
Usually the VP pick does not hold much weight, but in her case it may be the deciding factor.  While JD Vance does not bring a single vote to DJT.
2024/07/23 14:06:47
Usually the VP pick does not hold much weight, but in her case it may be the deciding factor.  While JD Vance does not bring a single vote to DJT.

I sort of liked his view of Trump in 2016. Rather spot on.
2024/07/23 20:03:05
I wish the old boards were still up. For the record, I called this 4+ years ago on this site when the then inept Biden named Kamala for his VP pick. No way the dems were gonna pass up the chance to install the first woman / person of color into the presidency. Surprised it took them this long to throw Biden under the bus. I will again be surprised if they let him finish out his term instead of making Kamala the "incumbent" president elect.
2024/07/23 21:49:43
 No way unless he gets so bad health wise he can't continue.  If she would win they would want her to have the chance to do two terms. Not a few months then a second term. 
2024/07/23 22:06:42
Just watched the “Hillbilly Elegy”. Pretty good movie. JD had a pretty rough life. Wish he would have stuck to his morales and denounced the clown.

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