2024/07/22 09:01:58
Biden has covid.

Imagine the timeline where both presidential candidates die within a week of each other.

I feel like the craziest shiit in 2024 is yet to come.

Welp, here's your golden star - you called it. 

Care to make some more predictions?

1) Will it be Kamala Harris?
2) Who will be VP?
3) Will trump debate the nominee?
4) Which celebrity endorsement will swing Michigan- kid rock or Eminem?

It's gonna be Kamala. 
I think she'll pick Shapiro or Whitmer as VP. 
Trump will debate, but it's gonna likely be "rules" that tilt in his direction, as the last ones went in Bidens favor, at least that was the perception. 
Let's not forget, as with Biden, Trumps old. In a debate setting, it's likely that Harris will dogwalk him. Same with Vance would have with Biden and yada yada. 

Eminem would swing if that was a real thing. 
Comparing Eminem and Kid Rock is like comparing Crosby with James Neal.

I also think it’s almost certainly Harris. But the VP will be a white guy from the Midwest or a swing state (so Whitmer is out).

Mark Kelly is an interesting choice, but I don’t think risking the AZ senate seat is worth it.

I think it’s gonna be somebody like Andy Beshear or Roy Cooper. Maybe Buttigieg, but I don’t think the country is ready for a black woman/**** man ticket. I would love to see buttigieg debate Vance though. I’ll bet that would actually be a compelling debate.

Shapiro on the ticket would likely clinch PA, and whichever candidate wins PA would likely win the election. I kind of hope it’s not him though. I’d prefer to see him serve his term.
2024/07/22 09:56:31
Well I must admit I usually don’t see eye to eye with My War but I think his above post is spot on. Harris and Shapiro will clinch PA. I don’t believe that she is very popular but it’s going to be hard to run against her because of her gender and ethnic background. Sharpiro has a pretty high approval rating here in PA . If this is the ticket the democrats go with, I predict they will win the election.
2024/07/22 10:42:46
I think the Harris/Shapiro ticket would be strong too. But it would likely have some issues in MI and other Israeli protester areas. I’m not sure if wrapping up PA would be enough. I doubt it would happen, but adding Joe Manchin would give a nice mix. It would probably anger the fanatic base, so doubt it would ever happen. Either that or a Republican with a spine that has bucked the Nazi movement, would be my choice.
2024/07/22 11:41:37
I think the Harris/Shapiro ticket would be strong too. But it would likely have some issues in MI and other Israeli protester areas. I’m not sure if wrapping up PA would be enough. I doubt it would happen, but adding Joe Manchin would give a nice mix. It would probably anger the fanatic base, so doubt it would ever happen. Either that or a Republican with a spine that has bucked the Nazi movement, would be my choice.

Manchin lol. He’s 76. He’s also another fossil at this point. I know you love this guy but I can’t imagine why any party leaders or prominent elected democrats would support him since he basically walked away from the party a few months ago. Guys like Cooper and Beshear are the new Manchins.

It’s correct that winning PA won’t mathematically guarantee an EC win for democrats but if I’m not mistaken I think it actually does clinch it for republicans. Either way it’s a very important state for both parties.

Shapiro is also on record as being pro Israel. So that might be a liability in swing states like MI. But on the other hand just getting rid of Biden might give the party a chance to reset this issue in the minds of the voters who are extremely sensitive to it. Hard to say until we get a nominee and we start to see some policy positions sketched out.
2024/07/22 13:49:11
Manchin lol. He’s 76. He’s also another fossil at this point. I know you love this guy but I can’t imagine why any party leaders or prominent elected democrats would support him since he basically walked away from the party a few months ago. Guys like Cooper and Beshear are the new Manchins.

Like said, I couldn’t see it happening. Same thing with a Republican that bucked the Nazi movement as a candidate. Brian Kemp would be a slam dunk, but far too conservative for the Dems to even consider. Would be similar to what France just did to shut the door on their far right wacky wing from taking over. Back when civility was in politics, there were Presidents that would have opposing party members in key positions. Never VP of course, but if Trump really is a “threat to Democracy”, I’d think this would be the time to buck that system.

Personally, I think that threat to Democracy thing is a little overblown. I don’t think a Trump win would be good, but I don’t buy it being any different than how the clown golfed 90% of his first term. Then tweet and get on the air and talk nonsense. Amazing so many worship the guy, but that is how cults work.
2024/07/22 14:38:47
I just guess it's a pretty big cult. getting bigger to blacks,Hispanics,Gen Zers. Let's Go Kamela.
2024/07/22 15:23:30
Premature to surmise who the Democrat nominee will be, given the line of bull that's going on right now. It's time for one of those Yogi Berra type euphenisms to come into play. "We won't know 'til we know". 
What ya might want to watch is WHO did not endorse Harris following Biden's endorsement. Obama, Schumer, Durbin, Jeffries, Pelosi etc. Obama has openly stated that the Democrat heads will come together to choose the "correct" candidate, and kinda leaves Harris sucking hind teat. That confirms my suspicion that Obama and Pelosi have been in charge and running the govenment since the '20 election, 'cause most of the time Biden was in the dark about what's going on. Pelosi ain't the leader anymore; Jeffries is the minority leader, and yet the media and the upper echelons of the 'Crat party don't seem to even give him the time of day. If they get Harris booted off the ticket, the 'Crat party can kiss the minority vote goodbye.
JMHO! I gave ya my two cents. Can I have my $0.98 change?
2024/07/22 15:29:59
Pelosi endorsed Harris earlier today.
2024/07/22 15:55:12
Pelosi endorsed Harris earlier today.

Well pork, if I remember you posted awhile back that you would be glad when the election was over.
Looks like ya got your enthusiasm back!
Another yogism: “it ain’t over till it’s over.”

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