2024/07/16 10:31:16

The epicness of the failure of the USSS and local law enforcement unbelievably just increased even more. According to this report, a sniper team was actually inside the building Crooks was on!

Only 2 choices here, and both are astoundingly horrible: complete and utter amateur hour for the Secret Service (and many should resign, all the way up the chain) or, somehow they let this happen. Those are the only two logical explanations at this point.
2024/07/16 11:20:20

The epicness of the failure of the USSS and local law enforcement unbelievably just increased even more. According to this report, a sniper team was actually inside the building Crooks was on!

Only 2 choices here, and both are astoundingly horrible: complete and utter amateur hour for the Secret Service (and many should resign, all the way up the chain) or, somehow they let this happen. Those are the only two logical explanations at this point.

 Did you hear/read Cheatle's reasoning this morning in the ABC interview as to why that roof was not secured?
"That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.  And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside."
WPXI, NBC affiliate in Pittsburgh, is reporting that the sniper team inside the building (apparently local sniper team from Beaver Co) was aware of Crooks BEFORE Trump even started speaking.  Nearly a full 1/2 hour before he started shooting.  
2024/07/16 12:21:57
Two more things - some of you more experienced gun guys can comment on this as you'd have the knowledge. Is it possible for a .223 round (assuming that is what was fired) to just pierce a part of the ear? I'd think it would cause way more damage once it hit something, like an ear, even if it's a soft part.   


Use to Groundhog hunt a lot May -- August for the first 10 years or so when moved to Butler county. The farmers were overrun with them in their fields and pastures (virgin grounds for hog hunting). The properties were walking distance from home and the land owners let me hunt, fish and release Pheasants on them so was glad to help out.
 I used the .257 Roberts, .243 and the 22-250 with heavy barrels & scopes. For the size of critter, the recoil and distance not shooting more than 350 yards or so  (not super high end scopes)  and wind calculations. Mostly used mid 50's grain when the wind wasn't to much of a problem. My buddy was set up for reloading those calibers so kept the costs way down and could change tips/grains and so on. 
Hard to believe the difference in what a small tip/point can do from a small hole to not a pretty sight. 
 Yeah, the SS has a problem on their hands with the nut jobs out there but always have, but the news and social media has made it a bigger problem.
 The Republicans ran that clip to the ground on what Harris said. That was why I didn't think it would be wise for him to be the pick. With the list they have him saying in leaked texts and what was said in public.  Oh well it is what it is.   
2024/07/16 13:03:11
 My son fished the KBBC back in 2012. He left some trophies from them at my place. One is from the Mon River 10 Mile Open. I'll have to ask him if he knew him. 
2024/07/16 13:58:52
Astoundingly stupid reasoning from her. I really can't believe she uttered that excuse but, yep, she did. Can her arse now...
Somehow, that roof where the shooter took aim was more dangerous than the sloped roof with a higher pitch that the sniper protection team was set-up on near the stage to provide overwatch?
They can't even make their lies somewhat believable.
2024/07/16 14:21:37
If Biden really cared and wanted to unite, he would be firing all the top dogs at the Secret Service. 
2024/07/16 15:02:14
 Maybe all candidates should stop having outside rallies to make everyone safer. Not like in the basement but indoors. A 1/4 mile is nothing for a long gun for a sitting duck.  Makes sense to me and much easier and safer for all.   
2024/07/16 15:48:02
Come to think of it… Why should my tax dollars pay for all the extra security at those stupid trump rallies? They don’t serve any purpose other feeding trumps ego.
2024/07/16 16:22:33
Agree some people need to go-Who promoted them in the first place ???
Hey did ya see that one  in a million photo of the bullet trail going past Trumps head, surprised anyone even noticed it,
2024/07/16 16:34:43
Good info gun folks - thanks!

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