2024/07/15 17:28:19
What an opportunistic slimeball JD Vance is. He went from calling trump “americas hitler” and saying that people who voted for him were idiots, to publicly stating we would have played along with trumps plot to steal the 2020 election, to now being his VP pick.

Other than that he’s a pretty boring pick. Doesn’t bring anything to the campaign, but trump doesn’t really need anything from a VP pick right now. All the political headwinds are blowing in his favor.
2024/07/15 17:52:12
My pick was  Rubio
Harris says she is OK with debating Vance-that will be a popcorn event for sure  lol
2024/07/15 20:29:27
Also I’m pretty sure the guy that got killed shielding his family was a river smallmouth guy. I’m sure I wouldn’t agree with his politics, but judging by his final act of devotion to his family, that guy had more real courage than trump and his entire cabinet could ever dream of. If there is an after life, I hope this guy is pulling 22” smallies for eternity.
2024/07/15 20:35:53
Had it going good there till ya couldnt help yourself and started Trump bashing right in the middle  sad,
2024/07/15 21:52:41
Yeah the more I think about Vance - the more he's a head scratcher. 

The guys about as unlikable as Harris. Gutless flip flopper as well, anyone can see and verify it.

I don't know what he adds to Trumps campaign? Sure he's from the Rust Belt but does he really add anything?

Man if Trump picked Gabbard, or Haley this thing would be 100% over. 
2024/07/15 22:34:05
Had it going good there till ya couldnt help yourself and started Trump bashing right in the middle  sad,

You know what’s sad? Apparently the wife of the guy that got killed says her family still hadn’t heard anything from trump.

You know who had spoken with the family within 24 hours? Josh Shapiro. And you really should watch that clip of Shapiro making a statement about the incident and the man who died.

2024/07/15 23:30:40
 Imo Cheney was the only VP that had power, think he ran the show for Bush. Before that when  Nixon resigned and Ford took over & L.B.J for J.F.K in my lifetime.  
 R.F.K.J will receive SS protection now. 
2024/07/16 06:08:02
Semper Fi JD and Let's Go Brandon
2024/07/16 07:49:15
Two more things - some of you more experienced gun guys can comment on this as you'd have the knowledge. Is it possible for a .223 round (assuming that is what was fired) to just pierce a part of the ear? I'd think it would cause way more damage once it hit something, like an ear, even if it's a soft part. 

Also, JDV is a headscratcher. Feel like if he went moderate, he'd really up the chances of winning. Guess he's going for the Rust belt type blue collar vote? 

A .233, or more correctly, 5.56 NATO, very slight difference in case sizes/configuration, was designed during the Vietnam era to wound, not to kill, with the strategy being a dead soldier can lie on the battlefield until it is over, but a wounded soldier takes 5 people, who are no longer engaged in the fight, to remove them.

Now, that is not to say that if hit in the right place, like the head, it will not effectively kill, but a rock will do that. That is why most states, even if they permit AR type rifles for hunting, don’t permit the 5.56 for big game, like deer — they just aren’t that good at it and certainly are nowhere near as “powerful” as the media who had no clue make them out to be.

As someone mentioned, it depends greatly on bullet design how quickly and to what degree they expand or break apart — bullets don’t explode on contact — but rather 1) demonstrate deep penetration with little to no expansion, thus would be a solid point, often referred to as “armor piercing” and is the cheapest ammo available for the 5.56; 2) peel back in a pretty controlled manner to form a mushroom shape, this permits a degree of penetration first before expanding the wound canal for greater damage within the body, often known as “soft point” if the lead core is exposed or “expanding point” if a plastic polymer tip is employed; or to fragment rather quickly after a slight degree of penetration (a few inches of skin/bone/muscle) in order to create multiple wound canals, often known as “hollow points” because of the open cavity at the tip of the bullet which permits flesh to enter and cause the copper bullet jacket to break apart.

None of these would even start to expand on the skin or cartilage of an ear.

Now, that does not mean there’s not a lot of trauma in the immediate area, there is. A very hot, from the expanding gases of burnt powder that propel the bullet, the friction between the lands of the barrel and the bullet, and even the friction of flying through the air, spinning piece of metal traveling at +/- 3,000 feet per second, contacting flesh cause all kinds of damage, particularly in an ear that is very laden with blood vessels (when one of my bird dogs cuts an ear on cover, it looks like a cup of blood got dumped on them). It is also a very long healing process, at least with the dogs.

As for JDV, no idea about him, but if he said things about Trump in the past, which I don’t doubt that he did, there is already precedence for that — “It was just a debate” I believe was how Harris put it when asked how she could be Biden’s VP after calling him a racist over school bussing and then casually dismissing it.

But I’m posting to answer the ballistic question, not discuss politics.
2024/07/16 08:00:30
When I fished the KBBC that had a lot of tournaments on the rivers in Da ‘Burgh, one of the guys had that last name, I think his first name was Jerry, so could well be a smallmouth guy.

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