2024/07/14 21:00:28
Trump survived an assignation attempt-so what do the lefties do--
2024/07/14 21:29:41
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July 8, 2024
Spoken in a conference call to Dem donors and written word for word in several MSM sources online.  Millions of reads across sources.  
Just tonight in his prerecorded speech, he said twice that Trump needs to be defeated at the battle box.  Eliminating Trump has been so deeply ingrained in his demented, turnip brain that he can't properly read the word ballot on the teleprompter.  


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2024/07/14 21:46:54
More info's coming out - how on earth did this dude get up there, THAT CLOSE?

Everybody knows what the two possibilities are.  Go ahead and say them out loud.

2024/07/14 22:27:02
Trump survived an assignation attempt-so what do the lefties do--

Have you heard the proverb “you reap what you sow”? It’s origins are in the Bible, it’s in both the old and new testaments.

This is how a real leader conducts himself in response to an event like this


Let’s compare that to the speeches at the RNC this week shall we?
2024/07/14 22:39:44
More info's coming out - how on earth did this dude get up there, THAT CLOSE?

Everybody knows what the two possibilities are.  Go ahead and say them out loud.


I don't know - but clicking on your link, you must assume set up. I don't really go into those things much. 

I think the the likely reason was there was a gap in security, of whomever was supposed to watch the mid range stuff. 

2024/07/14 23:01:32
More info's coming out - how on earth did this dude get up there, THAT CLOSE?

Everybody knows what the two possibilities are.  Go ahead and say them out loud.


I don't know - but clicking on your link, you must assume set up. I don't really go into those things much. 

I think the the likely reason was there was a gap in security, of whomever was supposed to watch the mid range stuff. 

You’re talking to the anti vax covid truther guy so who knows what kind of wild conspiracy stuff he’s getting at.

You want a rational take? Trumps rallies are security nightmares. The secret service is only able to do so much. He has to hire local cops as security and oh yea by the way, he has a history of stiffing them:


It’s a distinct possibility that the Trump people that coordinated this rally simply didn’t hire enough security.

It’s also a distinct possibility that this has been the case at a bunch of his rallies, it’s just that they got lucky so far and nobody tried anything until this one.

Occam’s Razor and all that.
2024/07/14 23:07:21
Haters gotta hate
2024/07/15 00:19:25
 I blame bigfoot for all the bickering on here for starting this thread 
   Surprised no one brought this up on here after it happened.
2024/07/15 11:43:27
More info's coming out - how on earth did this dude get up there, THAT CLOSE?

Everybody knows what the two possibilities are.  Go ahead and say them out loud.


I don't know - but clicking on your link, you must assume set up. I don't really go into those things much. 

I think the the likely reason was there was a gap in security, of whomever was supposed to watch the mid range stuff. 

I don’t think he is insinuating that at all. Actually, I think he is on the same page as you — why was there a lack of security? I’ll get to that in a moment, but to the point if the OP and your reply, some questions need to be asked and answered.

Was the lack of security, and if you don’t think there was, skip the rest of this because no rational debate is in you, because:

1) That is the level of security the Secret Service provides these days, and if so, why — complacency, training, whatever?

2) Is that the level of security provide because it was a candidate and not the President, and, again, if so, why —was it the “B” or lower team, like when an act goes on the road and only half the band shows up for smaller stops along the way (seeing Jimmy Buffet at Starlake with only a portion of the band — the rest were already enroute to bigger venue comes to mind)?

3) Is that the level of security provided because it was Trump, the candidate and, if so, why?

Now back to the level of security, sorry, real world experience, no link, in 2020, we were invited as 3rd level VIPs, not in the bleachers behind the stage, not in the first 50 rows of seats, but the next level, 40-50 yards from the podium, by a former employer of mine, to attend a Don JR rally they were sponsoring (read that as writing a big check). We parked at a former coworker’s house, 4 blocks away. The first level of security we encountered was at 2 blocks. It was the local Chief of Police. My wife had occasion to work with him, so it was a nice exchange and waved us through.

We didn’t make it 20 feet when a Secret Service guy, suit, sunglasses, etc. stopped us. The C of P came over to see what the issue was and the Secret Service pointed to the small American flag my wife had — maybe 12” wide. “Can’t take that in there,” he said, which seemed odd — BTW, this was an outdoor event on company property. When asked why, he said because the flag was on a stick (you can imagine how small that was for the size of the flag) and that was a potential weapon.

She asked what to do with it and he pointed to a pile of similar flags and such. Then he said she could take it in if she removed the stick. She was a bit miffed and ripped the flag off the stick and handed the stick to the agent.

The agent then took the flag from her and removed a stroke from it, then gave the flag back.

So, the security was no entry to within any distance (keep in mind, we are 2 blocks away at this point) he never asked to see what level of ticket we had, for a stick and a staple, for a speech by a family member, but a guy gets on a roof with a rifle less than 150 yards away?

The former coworker ( volunteer firefighter) where we parked 4 blocks away, was included in the company team that met with the Secret Service to tour the company facilities, which consisted of 6 buildings. He said they swept all the buildings with dogs 24, 12, and 2 hours prior. They cased every house within 4 blocks, including his — he had lots of guns, which they made him put in a safe and the wrapped yellow tape around it, not to be removed until 24 hours after the rally.

Other people in his neighborhood told him said same.

There was a State Police presence (BTW, that former coworker’s father is the retired State Trooper I met hunt our property) on every street with in the 4 blocks and at every other house in the same area.

Again, how did a person with a rifle get within 150 yards?

That same year, my wife went to a rally that was held at the local (yet, very rural) airport. She was told when she arrived that the line to the parking area, which was 1/2 mile from the airport was several hours long due to the time it took to get vehicles through security. As she was turning around to leave, people were walking past and one told her to just go park at the restaurant and walk through the cut corn field to the rally to avoid the vehicle security line.

She drove to the restaurant, which is about 1.5 miles from the area where the rally was to be, and parked. Many people were doing it and she joined a group tromping through the cut corn. At about 500 yards, they were met by a line of security made up of local, State, and Secret Service, standing arm’s length apart and were directed to the airport entrance road to go through security if they wanted to get any closer. She chose to stay there because she could hear the music (so could probably hear the speech through the loud speakers which were a few hundred yards away to accommodate the size of the crowd) was really not as interested in seeing Trump as just being there for the atmosphere.

Again, the closest anyone was getting without full security vetting was 500 yards, in a flat corn field, yet someone gets on a roof within 150 yards with a rifle?

So, I go back to the original questions;

1) Is this now the level of Secret Service security?

2) Is this the level of Secret Service security for a candidate and not the President?

3) Is this the level of security because it was candidate Trump?

No insinuation, no conspiracy theory, just questions.

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