2024/07/14 14:04:32
So kids can't make the moral calculation on Trump, but they can somehow do the calculation and say oh those are just washed up celebrities. Is it the messenger that matters, or the fact that they see that it was OK and "normalized" to put these images out there in the first place.

And ah yes, the violent insurrection led by Trump. Where "An ex president stirred up an unprecedented act of political violence in this country". Along those lines I'm guessing Biden essentially put out the call to arms whe he said just a few days earlier that "it's time to put Trump in a bullseye"?
2024/07/14 15:04:49
So kids can't make the moral calculation on Trump, but they can somehow do the calculation and say oh those are just washed up celebrities. Is it the messenger that matters, or the fact that they see that it was OK and "normalized" to put these images out there in the first place.

And ah yes, the violent insurrection led by Trump. Where "An ex president stirred up an unprecedented act of political violence in this country". Along those lines I'm guessing Biden essentially put out the call to arms whe he said just a few days earlier that "it's time to put Trump in a bullseye"?

I can’t say I care much for that kind of rhetoric from Biden or trump, but Biden didn’t say that during a rally and it was not a public statement. He said it on a call with donors. But I’ll bet you I can find 20 examples of trump saying something like that for every 1 example you can find of Biden.

And are you seriously trying to argue that when a nobody like Kathy griffin makes some kind of public statement, it carries the same weight as a former president? How many gen Z kids would even know who Kathy griffin is?
2024/07/14 15:15:53
I'm no expert, but I'm betting that the final reports will confirm that Trump was not shot, but rather was struck by glass or some other type of shrapnel.
There's evidence coming forward from witnesses to support this, however, the fact that lying Trump himself found it necessary to state a rather dumb-sounding redundancy that he was "shot by a bullet" is evidence enough that he wasn't. 
2024/07/14 15:53:35
So kids can't make the moral calculation on Trump, but they can somehow do the calculation and say oh those are just washed up celebrities. Is it the messenger that matters, or the fact that they see that it was OK and "normalized" to put these images out there in the first place.

And ah yes, the violent insurrection led by Trump. Where "An ex president stirred up an unprecedented act of political violence in this country". Along those lines I'm guessing Biden essentially put out the call to arms whe he said just a few days earlier that "it's time to put Trump in a bullseye"?

I can’t say I care much for that kind of rhetoric from Biden or trump, but Biden didn’t say that during a rally and it was not a public statement. He said it on a call with donors. But I’ll bet you I can find 20 examples of trump saying something like that for every 1 example you can find of Biden.

And are you seriously trying to argue that when a nobody like Kathy griffin makes some kind of public statement, it carries the same weight as a former president? How many gen Z kids would even know who Kathy griffin is?

My argument and the only reason I bothered to post anything on this forum for the first time in years is that your original statement that somehow this attempt was caused solely by the political climate that Trump alone caused is laughable. I don't care if it's a nobody making the statement or some high up politicians. Those 2 nobody examples are just the most disgusting ones off the top of my head that actually show effigies of a sitting president dead. They're are plenty of other clips out there of the dem politicians calling to "take him out" and the like over the years. Years worth of news outlets comparing him to the second coming of Hitler. Yeah, the most likely thing shaping this guys decision was Trump's fault alone. No chance it was the constant barrage coming from the left that Trump is the devil incarnate.

Anyway I've read enough posts on this forum over the years to know nothings gonna change here. It's Sunday and the garden needs tending, so back to the shadows. Have a nice day
2024/07/14 18:06:40
The shooter is being called a kid in a few places but would have been 21 next month--At that age he could have been called a man too

So he would have been what, like 12 when trump entered the political scene? He spent his entire adolescence with a “leader” like trump as one of the top political figures in the US. Think about that.

How many 12 to 14 year olds watch, read, or listen to anything about politics? Most likely less than 1%. You're livin' in a fantasy world.
You republicans know damm well what kind of person trump is. You’re fully aware he is an unethical, immoral piece of trash. But you excuse it away by saying the ends justify the means. But you’re adults, and you make a complex moral calculation to come to that result.

Talk about TDS!!!! Keeriste! You got it bad! You must truly believe that Trump is Hitler and the Devil.

So what kind of example does that set for kids, who can’t yet understand that moral calculation? Do you think this kid actually understood whatever rationalization you republicans concoct in your head to justify support of what we all know is a truly indecent man?

And just how do you know that all the crap that the MSM says about Biden is true? I'd think the recent revelation of Biden's health and the media's feigned reaction that they knew absolutely nothing about it speaks volumes. It is new news to most of the country that never listened to FOX or NEWSMAX; they're just hearing it for the first time 'cause the media kept it covered up for so long and refused to report it, 'cause they are the Democrat Party and carry water for Biden.
Trump led a violent mob to storm the capital on Jan 6. An ex president stirred up an unprecedented act of political violence in this country

You're gonna believe that 'til the day you die even if it's proven beyond a shadow of the doubt to be false. You simply cannot see two sides to any story. Hope you never have to serve on a jury.
2024/07/14 18:21:48
Trump 2024


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2024/07/14 18:37:04
Hope Trump doesn't select J.D. Vance as his VP. Vance called him a authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all cost and compared him to Hitler, " America's Hitler" Or hope he doesn't pick who he called Little Richard. Just wouldn't look good for a campaign.
 Bernie summed it up good this morning saying politics are boring and should stay that way.
 Working in the garden sounds like a great idea!!                                                                       The killer was bullied very badly when in H.S. and a loner.
2024/07/14 19:15:14
Trump led a violent mob to storm the capital on Jan 6. An ex president stirred up an unprecedented act of political violence in this country

You're gonna believe that 'til the day you die even if it's proven beyond a shadow of the doubt to be false. You simply cannot see two sides to any story. Hope you never have to serve on a jury.

Please share with us the "other side" of the story.  
2024/07/14 19:42:15
A little curious that Nikki Haley will now be speaking at the convention.  Could it be because she's on the short list for V.P.?  It would be a good move by Trump in my opinion.
2024/07/14 19:51:00
 He is still mad at her for staying in the running for as long as she did. Saw him talking about her the other day, plus a "Bird Brain" for VP ?? But then again who hasn't he insulted??
 Wish somehow we could get two new candidates and start from scratch. Wonder how his sentencing coming up will affect his campaign? 

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