2021/01/18 12:25:03
I got a center pin rod and reel for Christmas. The rod is 6-12lb line. 
What line do I put on the reel? I looked at a few ways- 
200 feet of braid then 200 feet of mono
60 feet of mono
300 feet of mono
What is a good place to start?
Thank you,
2021/01/18 17:46:25
I sold my centerpin several years ago and was far from an expert with it, but what I did was use a spool of 20 pound braid I had laying around for backing and then added about 50 or 60 yards of 15 pound high visibility braid for my fishing line.  Below that I tied in a couple of feet of 6 to 8 pound flouro with the smallest swivel I could find at the bait end of the flouro.  Below that I used a lighter flouro leader to my hook.  Keep your float on the heavier flouro.
Main point was to avoid losing floats etc. Much easier to tie fishing leader to a small swivel.
2021/01/18 17:58:25
Lots of guys use that Raven Mono in yellow for main line. 15 or 12lb. The swivel below your float is the way to go. You will hardly lose any floats that way. Good advice there Dave.

We only fish The River, hence the heavy mainline. Im sure Raven makes all sizes.
2021/01/22 12:12:54
Thank you for the information, it's appreciated!
2021/03/16 18:49:05
I spooled my milner with 15 lb. dollar a mile mono then 12 lb. siglon fine float on top. the fine float is the ticket . use flouro 6lb down to 2lb for steel ... 10 lb flouro for salmon. works great unless very windy.
2022/12/13 14:43:48
I recently picked up an Okuma Sheffield Sirata with a drag and was wondering if anyone here has any info on how to switch the left hand to right hand retrieve. Tried to start a new thread but for some reason I can't because I just joined? Anyways, any help would be much appreciated.

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