2020/11/03 13:30:10
Clint S
Altmar has cell service. No more excuses for not getting that call or text from your wife , partner or SO .
2020/11/03 21:08:01
Dang it ... I don't suppose we can claim we left it locked in the truck to avoid it getting wet???  
2020/11/05 05:12:10
I very occasionally got service by the bridge, but could always get it in the Barrel. Had one fortuitous call after deciding to leave decent fishing in the upper to go there. We received a call my wife's sister was dying and we drove straight to eastern Mass. to be by her bedside. It was good for the family and my wife to have been there. Sometimes luck isn't about the fishing.
Glad to see some connectivity. Now I can look at reports while standing in the river wondering why it isn't on fire like they say.....
2021/01/22 17:06:37
hot tuna
So this is a somber post. 3 of my high school alumni have died of covid in the past 3 weeks. 2 were class mates. All lived locally. The truly saddest part is 2 were brothers and passed away a week apart. Now one of my good friend has covid whom I hunt, fish and play with regularly. We haven't been in personal contact since late November .
With the way things are , we've been taking all and extra precautions to protect my family and sister who's life depends on us.
My wife gets a vaccine next week but I'm way down on the list so there is no way I'm doing anything but avoiding any public interaction, hotels, gatherings, etc , except doing my own thing on the ice

Be safe folks !!
2021/01/22 17:24:14
I'm very sorry HT, very sobering is as understatement... this virus is indeed scary and a real eye opener to just how vulnerable we all are.
I pray your family stays safe and am glad your independent lifestyle will help in that endeavor.
2021/01/22 17:42:05
hot tuna
Thank you .
2021/01/22 19:17:46
Sorry to hear that, HT. And yet I see people without masks in close proximity to others. In some instances I've called them out, but it hasn't gotten physical yet. Close, though. When this pandemic could have been contained last spring, it wasn't taken seriously by many. It took firm hold and is now mutating into a far more contagious form. In the end, we will all know someone who passed,  someone who has it, families effected by it.  It's infuriating to me  that people that wear seatbelts won't wear a mask. The ridiculous politicization  of what is a purely medical  issue was beyond the reprehensible.  This virus has a neurological component we'll pay for far down the road. Already we have children and adults who were infected  exhibiting mental lapses and other disorders. Think about it:  it takes away your sense of smell and taste. The brain controls those senses. Logically, without having to be a neurologist you can see it is bad sheet.  
    For myself, I may or may not survive getting Covid. I would like not to have to find out if I can handle cancer and it simultaneously. Be safe, remind your loved ones to do the same. Tell others to wear masks, socially distance, don't be stupid, wash your hands.  Get a vaccine when it's your turn. Not only will you save your life, it  saves others and in the end, this country.
2021/01/22 19:41:24
hot tuna
Well fichy, in the beginning, way back last February, nobody took it seriously. I seen it coming with lack of ppe work supplies. Once the striper season on the Hudson came about in late April, even I wasn't taking it to the extreme of social distance, mask wearing unless someone was at risk from a health disorder. Aka, cancer and not visiting my compromised mother and sister.

I can honestly say from the summer to the present, 95 - 98 % of the people I see, wear a face covering and keep public distance.
We have been 100% at our workplace rules since May.
Do I personally think it's the cure all ? Absolutely not, nor the vaccine. Do I ever walk into a public establishment without one, no way. My fear is mask wearing is not the solution but could become the mandates of the future, example workplace and public spaces. Most won't even wear them properly so what's the real purpose.
I have about 50 buffs and masks that I rotate, wash daily, my face and nose are raw after 9 months so far.

Be well.
Stay positive and test negative
2021/01/22 21:49:34
hot tuna
Just to add. I trust nobody in this virus outbreak besides my immediate family. Our leading expert has flip flopped on masks we useless because of touching and fiddling with them would transport droplets to surfaces. We were told not to touch packages without rubber gloves. Some experts went so far as leaving groceries and packages 24-48 hours without contact.
Now a 180 reversal, political driven and sheep following a wolf in lambs cloth.
2021/01/23 08:23:56
Not my experience. Buffs aren't sufficient anyway. Tests show them to be marginal at best. If you want to turn this into an argument, fine, but get some facts straight. We're heading for over a half million dead  and your whining over people being cautious. Are you calling me a sheep?

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