2018/12/16 16:11:24
I put a braided loop on fly line same as I always have except I used ZAP a Gap instead of Superglue for security. Fly line at connection  turned into a C shape. Great for a strike indicator but tough for casting. Any one else have this issue? Zap a Gap (ZAP) was not spray on, it is the brush on product. I started to experiment with adding a little ZAP  on fly line above leader to see if I could make a nice little bend for an indicator. I think I might hit a sweet spot but it seems like a shot in the dark right now. Fishing small nymphs for steelhead. Seems like a good idea right now.
2018/12/17 08:43:25
I will do 2 nail knots and then just a very small amount of super glue or UV cure on the knot
I have coated the entire braided loop material with aqua seal and had it dry like you said... the issue being fly line is much more supple that dried glues
2018/12/17 18:30:34
It made a nice strike indicator. I have been experimenting with gluing fly line with ZAP  in areas to see if I can make something useful without killing the cast ability.

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