2018/01/24 02:24:45
Hi New guy here. 
I want to take my two sons to the Erie area for Steelhead.  I have never fished the area before.  I live in Centre County.  I'm asking for advice on a good starting point location.  To be quite honest, my sons are much better fisherman than me and I enjoy watching them fish more than me fishing.  I actually learn more from them now!  I appreciate any and all advice.  

2018/01/24 09:38:04
Mountian Man
Trout Run, might kill your spirit on ever going again.
2018/01/24 10:03:21
Hi New guy here. 


I want to take my two sons to the Erie area for Steelhead.  I have never fished the area before.  I live in Centre County.  I'm asking for advice on a good starting point location.  To be quite honest, my sons are much better fisherman than me and I enjoy watching them fish more than me fishing.  I actually learn more from them now!  I appreciate any and all advice.  

How old are you sons?  How capable are they of wading in fast moving water with shale underfoot?  Are they properly equipped for winter steelhead fishing, if you're talking about coming soon?  That's more important right now than finding a place to fish, if your boys are in their early teens or younger.  If they're older teens or adults, then you don't have much to worry about there.  
My boys are 7 and 14.  The 14 year old has been fishing in Erie since he was 7, and is pretty much man sized now.  He can roam wherever he wants, and sometimes I'll drop him and a friend off in places where I can't take my 7 year old.  
At any rate, this is a good starting point for you: https://www.fisherie.com/Maps
The middle to upper parts of the bigger streams will probably be holding decent numbers of steelhead at this time of year.  After ice jams break up as they have recently and we move towards mid February and into March, lower areas of streams and some of the smaller streams will see some fresh runs of smaller jacks, and some adult fish.  In these areas, you'll also begin to find dropbacks that have spawned and are slowly returning to the lake, as well as some of the spring run Manistee strain steelhead that Ohio stocks.  

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