2016/12/17 08:27:58
Big Tuna
 Who thinks PGC is going a good job. Who thinks PGC is doing a bad job. There's no need for a in depth explanation,just Yea or Nay vote. After the voting is over there's plenty of time for in depth discussion.
2016/12/17 08:42:03
2016/12/17 08:42:40
Neutral. There is a lot I like and some I don't like. Overall, I support them. 
2016/12/17 09:39:31
Walleye jigs
2016/12/17 12:02:06
My New Year Resolution; if I can't say something nice, I shan't say anything atall!
2016/12/17 14:35:03
pheasant tail 2
barely acceptable
2016/12/17 15:24:00
Over all not real happy with them ....
2016/12/17 17:21:42
Walleye jigs
B.T. you know you're not going to keep that resolution so go ahead and get it off your chest, it's bad to hold things in, so they tell me.
2016/12/17 20:00:44
OK Jigs but you gotta keep this under your hat and besides it ain't the new year yet.

I think the PGC is [Awl Snap 😩internet connection lost]
2016/12/18 03:03:14
Mountian Man

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