2013/10/15 19:49:58
I just think that since the state already owns the water, we should be able to walk state funded stocked stream beds within the high water mark.  Doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. 
2013/10/15 20:26:57
I just think that since the state already owns the water, we should be able to walk state funded stocked stream beds within the high water mark.  Doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. 

I wouldn't expect it to seem unreasonable to someone like you.
2013/10/15 20:27:44
As far as I see it a land owner has the right to do as he pleases with his land but if the stream access is denied to the general public and he chooses to lease access to a chosen few, the PFBC can choose to make these waters catch and release only waters, turning all posted waters into nursery waters is just plain dumb. Our license helps pay for these stockings here and all over the state
So if anyone wants to take it on let's start a petition to the
PFBC to designate all stretches of approved trout waters blocked to the general public for the purpose of fishing to designate those waters as catch and release only.
So at least these fish will live on to be able to continue their journey upstream to waters that you and I and every other fisherman have access to.
It would not be right make these waters off limits to even your other fishing brother that wants to pay a guide to help them catch a fish or two. They also pay for the same license you and I pay for which helps to stock all trout steams.
But they should be a no kill zone.
Just my take on it.
Anyone what to start that petition.
2013/10/15 20:51:29
So you think the people that pay this money are the meat hunting sloths that go to the project waters to rope 3?? Making those waters that are leased/posted nursery waters allows the fish to continue their journey while putting an end to the greed mentality of the Senyo/Beaver crowd of want to be's....
2013/10/16 04:26:18
Never suggested they are rope hunters most likely people like you and I that at first did not have a clue on how to fish for these critters and are just looking for some instructions before standing next to you and crossing your line and invading your space. In my real opinion make all the steelhead streams catch and release.
2013/10/16 05:49:13
So, by some of this thinking, if PGC stocked pheasants wonder onto posted property, I should be able to hunt them because I bought a hunting license, part of which went to purchase them.
Sounds pretty silly when one simply swaps the word steelhead for pheasant, doesn't it?
Posted is posted.
2013/10/16 05:52:48
After reading this thread....I hope every square inch gets posted. Better yet, start your petition....hopefully the pfbc will see these stoopid fish are not "worth it". Maybe yinz can stock the river you cried and keep it all to yourselves....preferably far south of Erie.
2013/10/16 06:00:43
I think we should all just keep our limit every time out,raise the limit to 10 and donate them to the needy. Lets kill all the sTEkheDs before they make it to the posted property.
2013/10/16 08:35:25
Honestly is it even worth it to cry about this?  There are tons of open sections of Elk and other streams to fish.  Why don't you just be happy with what you have? The tubes to route 5 aren't going to help you catch more if you can't catch them to begin with, why even get upset about it?  If I had a section of a stream, i'd post it too, and nobody would fish it.  I'd fish w all the rest of the jagaloons like I always have, and like Art who owns the manchester hole does...pretty much never see him not catching fish.  Point is, where there's fish to fish for, one has a chance at catching them.  So go do it and shut up.
2013/10/16 10:02:27
dang DarDys, if you would have posted that 6 pages back, we could have ended this days ago. lol.  at least 1 voice of reason.

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