2013/10/11 23:51:52
Lets face the facts today about 1/3 of Elk Creek is private posted maybe even more. How can this be good for Pa. fishermen, local businesses, sport stores, and the Erie area ? How is the money going to continue to flow in and support the cause when there is hardly anywhere to stream fish ? It won't ! People like myself will show up less and less with all the congestion in the non posted areas. The fish will also show up less and less as stockings drop off . I'm really considering if I want a Erie stamp anymore. Fishing Clubs like the 3 CU have to wonder if this is worth the trouble to raise Steelhead if only private area fishermen are going to enjoy most of their hard efforts . The Fish Commish will also have to rethink their stocking program on these creeks. Why waste time and money if the majority of paying fishing license holders can't have access. Most of my friends and coworkers have all pretty much given up on Erie Steelhead fishing the last few years , and with this news I see even more giving up . Erie combat fishing is not fun ! I can't wait to read the fishing reports this year when the guy says " You got to get out and walk the creek if you want to find and catch fish " !! Let's see how far you walk now and see this...... PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESSPASSING OR FISHING IN THIS AREA ! Bet you won't walk too far !
2013/10/12 01:02:43
I can respect the landowners right to post his property.  I don't even have a problem with anyone earning money from their property per se, but when that profit comes at the expense of a resource that the public has paid for, then I have a problem.  And I certainly wont patronize the bait shop that is involved with this.  To me, Trout Run Bait and tackle made a business decision and that decision has precluded me from ever spending a dime there again.  I'm sure they'll make more guiding that stretch than they'll lose from never seeing me in their store again.  I already passed this on to some other guys at work that fish the tribs.  To me it looks like the winner will be Poor Richards for all the business they'll pick up.
2013/10/12 01:04:19
2013/10/12 01:59:02
  Stop stockin' most game fish in PA for at least 5 yrs. & let Mother Nature / tell the story with our waters. Live with it!! In the meantime spend the extra $$$ on what counts.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf00mEe9EOs
2013/10/12 02:09:57
2013/10/12 03:55:04
So far, we're:
Re-opening the Pigpen (That would be epic!)
Giving Teresa's a pass (I'll bite.)
Shunning Trout Run B&T (Hell no, we won't go!)
Praying said landowner changes his mind (Do you believe in miracles?)
Going undercover (Don't Boggard that joint, my friend, pass it to me)
Gluing colored macaroni to cans ( Is that a size 10 or 12 can?)
Constructing barriers  (And you thought Trout Run was crowded before?)
Moving Montana's fish laws here (Isn't Brokeback Mt. near there?)
Charging landowners "fish hoarding taxes" (How much per fish?)
I don't know what the answer is, hell, I already forgot the question.
What would Terry "The Crip" say to all this going down?
"Keep on keepin' on"

Great stuff Youghman!! Don'cha love human nature?? 
Sometimes it's just sensible to pause, laugh, and simply seek the serenity to accept the things you cannot change when you're faced with a can of worms like this. In the end, all things will find a way to work themselves out. Besides, in the end, we ARE all dead.
2013/10/12 09:32:18
though I agree this land being posted is unfortunate, and the circumstances surrounding it seem shady, there's still enough open water for me to fish.  I understand if any landowner posts their property.  I would post mine if i owned some.  But with the easements in place and landowners who miraculously still keep there's open, buying the erie stamp is a no brainer for me.  Captn hook you been around awhile ( you are old;)  I ain't been around so long, so i still got years of catching these fish before i move on to bigger and better things like you are.  
Unless things drastically change for the worse, ill continue to catch dem stillies.  I just won't be shopping at Trout run B&t. 
2013/10/12 15:11:42
Trout About
Hope there is someone beside me feeding me miller lights for $80 a day.

For $80/day, it better NOT be Miller Lites.  It better be Southern Tier 2XIPA's or DFH 90's!!
2013/10/12 15:42:35
jis' wait until the "anglersnotebook" hears about this tube steak deelio gone wrong 

Expect lots of Wikipedia copying and other irrelevant out of context info
2013/10/12 18:37:00
Your right FOM I've had the best Steelhead fishing Elk Creek could have ever offered years past. I was fortunate to have it in it's peak years when the creek was open fishing from the access mouth all the way to I-79. You were able to walk from hole to hole and barely see another fishermen all day. Imagine being the only car at the Legion area in the morning and maybe two or three when you returned late afternoon. I know those days are gone for good but it's ashame that more open areas are closing up every year. What's more ashame is that other fishermen's greed is the poison. Pa. desperately needs a change in laws that allow waterway access to fishermen. I understand the private property issues but shutting out people from stream sport fishing is not a good future for Pa. Imagine if local lakes had a mess of signs set up in the water "No Fishing Here''. Some of you younger guys need to get hold of your local political reps. and express your opinions and views on this subject. Other states have the kind of regulations we need here along our waterways. Get these bait shops and businesses involved with signatures protesting these old waterway laws. Start with posting the local Erie Reps. to contact right on this site . Posts their replies to this subject. Tons of fishermen are voters and boaters.......................I'm one!

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