2012/05/04 00:03:40

My recent posts regarding my new prop is my only experience in prop selection, so I may not be the best person to give advice. All I can offer is what I learned through online research and my experience.

A four blade prop, with the same diameter and pitch as a three blade, will lower maximum rpms since the extra blade moves more water. If you are actually at 5500 rpms with a 9.25 x 8 three blade, the same pitch four blade prop (my prop) may not be the best choice since I think you need to increase your max rpm toward the upper limit of the motor.

Two possible choices would be 9.25 x 7 three blade or four blade. The three blade would increase you max rpms, while the four blade would probably be near your current max rpms or possibly a tad higher.

The four blade would give you additional low-end thrust versus your current prop. The additional low-end thrust really helped my boat get on plane fast. I don't know how your boat would respond since your boat is 250 lbs heavier than mine.

Good luck

2012/05/13 10:19:01
Wanted to give an update on my new prop performance, especially to the posters that have considered following my same path. It has been a real learning experience on how weight sensitive our boats are with marginal powered outboards. Lake conditions are also a big factor. Things that did not matter much when I had a 40 hp.

If you recall, on my original thread, I was getting 18-19 mph gps speed with three people (total weight 400 lbs), three gallons of gas and a starting battery.

Last weekend with my trolling battery installed, 6 gal gas tank topped off, and all fishing gear, all of which added approx 100 lbs, I was getting 15-16 mph up at Presque Isle. I think the trolling battery in the bow was the main culprit since my bow seemed lower while on plane.

This week at Pymy, with 10-12 gal in my livewell (another 90 lb),I was doing approx 13 mph when motoring into the wind on a choppy lake. Boat could not achieve plane.

It seems with this boat/motor combination there is a very small "sweet spot" that allows the boat to plane easily. In hindsight, this was evident during my earlier testing when I saw the dramatic difference between the 8" and 9" three blade props.

Whats next? I am going to concentrate on weight reduction or distribution. Don't use livewell? Use a three gal gas tank? Tell my 120 lb wife she needs to lose weight (I'll wait till after Mother's day)?

Now for the really bad news! Friday night on pymy my boat ran into one of the infamous shallow sandbars and I trashed the new prop. I ordered another.


2012/05/13 11:32:26
Jerry, once you get a good weight placement down you will be grinning all day long. With my 14 footer and 25hp if i have a passanger sit a few feet foward from the normal sitting spot it will be a real labored effort to plane.

Sorry to hear about the prop hitting the dirt. not fun
2012/05/13 19:20:45

Trying to decide which way to go regarding weight placement. Lighten up the bow by moving trolling battery back? Or lighten up the stern by moving the portable gas tank forward? In my mind I can make an argument for both. Since your boat responds better to weight toward the rear I'll probably try that direction first.

2012/05/14 06:11:29
Like i said it is only a few feet that a person moves. So it is all about the leverage if you can think of how the boat comes on plane.

The bow needs to come out first then the boat rides on the midd portion of its hull then tips the bow down for the stren to level out. So try moving the heavy object a few feet trorwds the middle it doesnt take a whole lot to see a difference.

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