2011/08/22 10:35:28
Crazy Leg Grasshopper

hook; #10-#14 2xL-3xL dry fly hook. straight or bent shaft
thread; tan #6
tail; red fibers from pheasant pelt feather
rib; barred brown palmered and trimmed
body; PMD or yellow dry fly dubbing (i used beaver dubbing)
underwing; olive swiss straw folded and tied teepee style
overwing; deer hair
legs; barred olive, barred green or barred yellow.
hackle; barred brown
head; deer hair pulled over bullet style


1.tail; make thread base over hook shank and tie in short tail.

2.rib; tie in barred brown saddle hackle feather

3.body; bring thread towards eye and dub body towards tail than beack towards eye leaving about 1/4 the way from eye of hook. this gives the body more bulk.

4.rib; palmer hackle forward leaving plenty of room between winds. trim hackle close to stem leaving nubs

5.underwing; tie in swiss straw. i unraval the swiss straw and cut it length wise. than fold it and tie it in teepee style. round end with scissors.

6. overwing and bullet head; tie in deer hair with tips over hook eye. trim butts.
fold tips back over underwing and tie down creating a neck and bullet head as shown.

7.legs; tie in legs at neck of bullet head on each side. pinch part of leg downward and add head cement at bend to keep from straighteneing when wet.

8.neck hackle; tie in barred brown hackle and wind around neck twice. tie off.

what the trout see beneath

he'll look good at the next terrestrial club meeting
bon appetit!
beetle, flying ant, letort cricket, barking spider and june bug.
2011/08/22 16:15:15
nice job
2011/08/22 17:52:02
Very nice tie Jerry! Thanks for sharing
2011/08/23 08:55:08
Good stuff.

Hats off to DT and all the guys who consistently contribute their time and knowledge to make this a valuable forum.
2011/08/23 19:58:24
Very nice....thanks...jim

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