2011/08/09 20:17:17
Todd L
I'll be heading to Tupper Lake for Labor Day weekend.

Any tips on catching some Northerns?
2011/08/10 19:35:41

If you want to limit the amount of water you cover try Simon Pond at the Northern end of Tupper Lake.  Some nice northerns are caught there during the ice fishing contest in the winter.  Lots of space to cover on Tupper and a variety of space to find where the northerns are located.  Simon Pond would give you more action with less space to cover.
Check at the Bait Shop on your right just before you get to Tupper Lake on Route 30 about 1/2 mile before you get to the bridge that crosses where Simon Pond Road goes off to the right.
Good Luck and let us know how you do.

Eagle Ed
2011/08/10 22:19:41
Todd L
Eagle Ed,

Thanks for the suggestions. I have ice fished Simon Pond. I also know the bait shop you're referring to (Red Top Motel).

I'll let you know how it goes.

2011/09/07 19:14:33
Todd L
Fishing was slow..... caught one Northern Pike (21") at the mouth of the Bog River on a white spinnerbait.
2011/09/09 10:15:30

Sorry to hear you didn't do better.  How was the water level up there??  Friend that lives in Piercefield year round said they have never seen their lake this high in the past forty years.

Eagle Ed
2011/09/11 09:03:40
Todd L

Eagle Ed,

Yeah the water was pretty high. Fishing was slow for everyone including the locals I talked to.

Still had a great time.


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