2011/06/23 08:15:19
sometimes you look at a pattern and it looks easy. than when you go to tie it you wonder 'How did they do that?'
here's an easy way i tie zonkers

Zonkers for beginners

hook; streamer hook
thread; red and black
weight; lead wire
body; mylar tubing
tail; mylar tubing unravelled
wing; rabbit strip tied down at hook bend with red thread
than pulled forward and tied off behind eye.
hackle; soft grizzly

A. cut a piece of mylar off and pull out center material if you buy it at a craft store.
B. thread red thread and black thread in their own bobbins

1. base red thread on hook shank
wrap lead around hook shank 8-10 turns

2. slip mylar over hook eye and shank leaving some strands unravelled for tail. tie down with red thread.

3. lay rabbit strip on hook shank splitting hair where you're going to tie down at just in front of hook bend.
4. tie down rabbit strip, knot and cut thread.

5. push more mylar up hook shaft, behind eye, and base your black thread behind eye
6. tie down mylar with black thread leaving room behind eye for hackle

7. pull rabbit strip forward, over shank, and tie off behind eye leaving room for hackle.

8. tie in hackle

9. wind hackle, tie down. wrap a nice thread head and whip finish

a wet Zonker

olive Zonker

enjoy a beer and admire your work!
2011/06/23 10:26:17
I've dated a couple of red banshees.

2011/06/23 16:07:18
Very nice pattern....jim
2011/06/25 06:45:09
Nice DT. Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

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