2011/03/19 08:58:12
Finishing the fly off was one of the most frustrating things for me when I was first learning to tie. Fisrt the eye was too crowded with material which left no room to tie off, then the thread slipped off the end....

So here's a tool that many use to finish off the fly. Pretty easy to use but the thing to remember is keeping tension on the thread, moving/rolling the tool up to the hook eye, and pulling, sliding the hitch off the tool into position.

1. Start by laying the tool on top of the thread as shown.

2. Take one (or two) wraps around the tool - wrapping towards the tapered end.

3. Roll the tool in your finger tips, while at the same time - moving the tapered end up to the eye of the hook. Keep a slight thread tension on the tool and tilt the tip up slightly to keep the thread from sliding off the end.

4. Pulling gently on the bobbin end - pull the thread hitch off the end of the tool onto the hook shank just behind the eye and in the same motion pull to the rear to tighten the hitch.
To make a secure finish - you will need to do this hitch a few times.



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