• Northeast PA
2009/12/29 10:50:46

Proposed changes could result in more killed trout.......keep informed..............express your opinion with the Fish Commission

Possible Change in DHALO Regulations

The PFBC is considering a change in the regulations concerning fishing in Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only (DHALO) areas. The rules change under consideration would allow baitfishing in the DHALO areas during the 15 June-Labor Day period when harvest of fish is legal. This possible alteration is at the behest of Traditional Anglers of Pennsylvania (TAP), a pro-baitfishing group that claims special regulations unfairly exclude bait anglers.

DHALO areas are one of the most enlightened recent PFBC programs, since they provide fishing of reasonable quality to many anglers distant from Class A water. Even here in trout-rich Central PA, DHALO stretches on Black Moshannon Creek and White Deer Creek are popular with local and visiting fishermen. Allowing baitfishing during the harvest period seems a poor way to modify a program popular with both sport fishermen and landowners.

Further, DHALO waters constitute but 90 miles of the 4,800 miles of water currently stocked by the Commission. A 1991 survey conducted by the University of Pittsburgh indicated that 70% of the 2,000 anglers surveyed wanted more delayed harvest water in the state. Since then, delayed harvest areas have become even more popular. Finally, DHALO regulations, as now written, do not discriminate against individual anglers, but rather an angling method.

To express your opinion on this topic to the PFBC, write to:

  • Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
  • PO Box 67000
  • Harrisburg PA 17106

The Commission can also be reached via phone at (717) 705-7800 or by email at:http://www.fish.state.pa.us

Post #: 1

2009/12/29 20:09:08
DISCLAIMER: The article about the regs proposal was cut and pasted from the Fly Fishers Paradise web site..it does not reflect in any way the opinions of FLAGS

2014/01/18 09:08:52
the DHALO areas ive fished before have been horrible.. people poach them anyway. Its like putting a sign up and saying "HEY snag fish here!"  why not stock fish in the fall instead of spring so they have a few months to live instead of a couple. The flow in the winter is actually nice. 
Have you ever heard someone say "Im keeping this fish.. i paid for it!"   people are cray cray
2014/01/20 07:06:39
Dhalos do get stocked on the fall.
2014/01/31 23:50:07
I say let them do it. Its fishing. If guys want to go in and legally harvest trout so what? Everyone has a preferred way they like to fish. Just because someone fishes with bait and likes to eat the fish they catch the fly guys label him a slob or a meat hog. The same bs goes on at Erie. If you fish with bait and keep a few for the smoker the guys that look like they came out of a LL Bean catalog look down their noses at you. I wonder if they shoot their deer with paintball guns so they can shoot them again in a couple days. And if they do, who cares? To each is own.
2014/02/01 02:26:01
I say more ffos and stricter penalties for those who poach them
2014/02/07 11:33:46
ok.. so I'm confused.
as near as I can tell the notice was way back in 2005 and was never adopted. http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol34/34-11/425.html
... I guess if things are slow you guys can has out the old fly fishing versus bait thing.  but surely There's nothing happening with the commission.  Its 'status quo' as far as the eye can see.
2016/10/01 21:28:03
I don't see anything wrong with snagging they are going to die anyway aren't they. Also as long as you only take the limit aloud by law per day and you consume what you take. You pay for a fishing license to go fishing and how many trip do you make. Really think about what it cost you to be out there trying to get a couple fish if you where out there because you love it either way. I go up there and it is wall to wall people fishing in different ways all trying to get those 3 fish
2016/10/03 22:48:11
I do now. Never looked at the dates. New to looking at all these forms
Thanks for pointing it out I will look closer next time

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