• Northwest PA
  • Any body fishin pymatuning from there boats yet?? (p.5)
2012/03/04 14:13:42

ORIGINAL: Handline

Pull the boat to the land, step off of land into the boat. Pretend land is the dock. If the docks were in you would not go out on the dock, then jump in the water to climb in the boat would you?

I am not as good as most of you sound, or at least say you are.

It takes some balls to make jabs like that to the people who are giving you advise. I mean after all your the one who cant seem to climb in your boat with out getting wet.

It might help to not sound so snotty, snarky and condescending when administering said advice...

2012/03/04 16:26:48
Bogey, Please look on page one when myself and others were giving advise that was more "polite". The advise was given before jmat made his quoted comment. It is clear myself and others are willing to give helping advise for someone that could use it, but when the person getting the advise starts getting rude why should the people helping hold back?

Is good advise, still good advise if it isnt delievered in the most delicate way? Does someone need to be nice to be helpful?

2012/03/04 17:13:29
just keep a few
I always keep a pair of hip waders in my boat for loading. I have been doing this for over 25 years and find it easier to just put the waders on while motoring back to the ramp. I have seen people fighting the wind,slipping off the trailer tongue,getting wet feet etc. I went through a period when I power loaded until i missed the roller and gouged the bottom of my boat on the trailer. Now I guess I am a little older and wiser and quite frankly not as lazy and I just commit to putting my waders on and load my boat right the first time every time and most of all take care of my rig by not banging into my trailer. I guess when I go fishing I decide I am in no race to be the fastest guy on the ramp...I just like to do it right. I watched a guy one day trying to power load and he screwed around for what seemed like 15 minutes...finally I waded in with my waders and lined him up. He got wet feet anyway when he tried to get off the bow,the water temp was 45degrees. I have also seen guys power load with great success..to each his own.
2012/03/04 19:39:55
Thank you for those of you who have posted with kind posts. I guess I am just a bit of an old timer. I don't even know how this whole internet thing works. I just found this web page. Actually my grandson found it for me. I have been reading it for a few months before I had the nerve to write on here. Like frost I am not a meat hunter on the lake. I don't keep anything I catch. I just enjoy the sport of fishing. I have been fishing for 55 years. During that time I have met some really good people and some real jerks. For the most part people are good. I could take the jabs that some of the jerks like to throw around though. I have owned a boat for 15 years and enjoy every moment I am on it. I am not one of those high tech fishermen with all those electronic things on the boat. As I said before I just like to be on the lake. This winter was a bit warmer than most and I, like others, have cabin fever. I live aboout 40 minutes from the lake and usually don't go up there till I know I can handle it. My first trip up is usually mid May. However I have been getting the itch to get out sooner this year like most of you I'm sure. This is the reason for my probably dumb questions about not getting wet. I am sorry to anyone who I may have offended. All I was asking is are there any launches that I would be able to handle my boat on. A small permanent dock would make it a lot easier for me and my buddy. I know lake Arthur has at least one permanent dock launch on the North shore of the lake. I guess my question was does Pymatuning have any launches with a permanent dock.
2012/03/04 20:04:57
I've been doing the same thing for 26 yrs. Easiest way going.
2012/03/04 20:07:48
Pull the boat to the land, step off of land into the boat. Pretend land is the dock.

How in the H$%# do you do that when the boat front is 1 1/2 ft above the ground??????
2012/03/04 20:09:46
Short Dock?
2012/03/04 20:19:39


Pull the boat to the land, step off of land into the boat. Pretend land is the dock.

How in the H$%# do you do that when the boat front is 1 1/2 ft above the ground??????

I pick my leg up and step in... How the heck do you do it when the boat front is 1.5 ft above the water and your feet are another 1.5 ft under the water?
2012/03/04 20:43:17
ORIGINAL: Handline

Bogey, Please look on page one when myself and others were giving advise that was more "polite". The advise was given before jmat made his quoted comment. It is clear myself and others are willing to give helping advise for someone that could use it, but when the person getting the advise starts getting rude why should the people helping hold back?

Yeah, I was referring to the tone of your second post...such as:
I know that if there is no dock in, then there no dock to walk out on. All trailerable boats I know of come off the trailer after backing in to the water, any other way would be alot harder. HAHA

Please rephrase what you were trying to write, as it makes little sense

It just struck me as condescending...it didn't offend me as it wasn't directed at me, but it seemed as you are a new person in these forums a strange way to make friends. 
ORIGINAL: Handline

Is good advise, still good advise if it isnt delievered in the most delicate way? Does someone need to be nice to be helpful?

No...you're right.  It's definitely possible to be a helpful ****.
2012/03/04 21:04:05

ORIGINAL: Handline

ORIGINAL: TastyTrout

If there's no dock in and you back the boat into the water then there's no dock to walk out on to get into the thing. If you have a boat setup where you can back your boat right off the trailer then more power to you.

I know that if there is no dock in, then there no dock to walk out on. All trailerable boats I know of come off the trailer after backing in to the water, any other way would be alot harder. HAHA

Please rephrase what you were trying to write, as it makes little sense

Bogey, in that post i had quoted tastytrout. Please see the above. I was making a joke about how it read, notice the haha at the end. a joke. Then i asked please to rephrase his post so i can understand it. I did not say it to be condescending, i truely dont know what he was trying to say, and no one else spoke up to explain it. So i thought i would make a joke then ask for an explaination.

If i am viewed as a helpful ****, i am ok with that

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