2022/07/12 08:11:18
I'm having trouble getting my reels to measure correctly. Borrowed my neighbor's measuring wheels and marked off 100'. 1 reel reads 120 and the other 115. Any rules of thumb you guys/gals use for filling a reel up with line. I used 17lb mono for backing then my braid. Also, if I leave them as is, how would I determine how much to let out beyond that 100'? Like reading 120 for 100, would I just add 2' for every 10'? Example if I want to fish 150' do I let out 160' ? This being my 4th season, I'm catching fish but still got tons to learn. Thanks for the look.
2022/07/12 08:46:45
Honestly I don't use a formula but we fill halfway with backer then remainder with line of choice to right near top of spool. Before cutting off line we then walk off a hundred foot measure we have marked out on lawn. If the line counter reads over we add some line (it calculates based on rotations), if it reads 90 then we are overfull and remove some back onto the supply reel and try again. 
It is tedious but it does work. Easier with 2 people. 
Are you camping by Erie now or travelling each trip?
2022/07/12 11:37:24
I've been traveling. Can't really get anyone else that can take a couple days off in a row. I'm gonna go and "work" on them again. Let you know how I make out. Thanks FL2
2022/07/12 13:21:28
Honestly I don't use a formula but we fill halfway with backer then remainder with line of choice to right near top of spool. Before cutting off line we then walk off a hundred foot measure we have marked out on lawn. If the line counter reads over we add some line (it calculates based on rotations), if it reads 90 then we are overfull and remove some back onto the supply reel and try again. 
It is tedious but it does work. Easier with 2 people. 
Are you camping by Erie now or travelling each trip?

This was by far the most useful knowledge I've received in a long time. Can't thank you enough. Measuring the 100 off before cutting that line is a gem of all gems. 2 reels down, true 100' reading. 1 more to go. Thanks again. 💯💪
2022/07/12 13:46:19
Awesome! Send me a PM if you want to go out with us sometime. We often have an open seat.
2022/07/12 16:23:26
I appreciate that offer. I might just do that, thank you.
2022/07/15 08:43:23
Not sure if it's on my end or yours, but I can't send up a PM. Check your settings. Maybe you have your profile private?
2022/07/15 13:13:43
Not sure if it's on my end or yours, but I can't send up a PM. Check your settings. Maybe you have your profile private?

Will check
2022/07/15 13:58:43
👍 PM sent
2022/07/16 09:24:48
I live about 300 yards from the local football field and always just went down to the field and walked it off along the sideline markers.  If your anywhere near something like that it would make it easy.

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