One only need read past walleye stocking schedules to see what and where changes have been made.
One only need read biologist reports to see where & why the changes where made.
Or one can talk to the PFBC for a load of BS as to why they have all but destroyed the fishing we oldsters have all come to know and enjoy.
Does it not make you wonder why the Shenango River below the lake was fishable then not fishable then suddenly wonderful for stocking trout and now once again, not good for any fishing.
PCB's have been in those waters for years and yes Westinghouse was responsible for polluting the river but how is it, the only time PCB's are a concern is when that "boogeyman" serves the interest of the PFBC.
People have been eating the fish from that river for years before, during and after Westinghouse. Would it be a surprise to learn many of those same people continue catching and consuming fish from that same river? So, if that is true, and there exist such a danger then why is fishing even allowed? Does the PFBC really have a concern for the health of the angler or does the PCB boogeyman just serve the agenda of the PFBC.
Least not forget the river serves as a source of public water. Oh silly me, the PCB only affects the fish that consume mud dwelling bugs cause that's where the PCBs are found.
Thank goodness nobody wades or plays in the river stirring up that mud.
Speaking of mud might runoff from rain/snow/ice stir the mud or is that brown water solely from surface runoff?š
Now in my defense, I believe the dangers of PCB's do exist but just what are the "true" dangers and what should all the agencies (including the PFBC) be doing to assure full and total protection of the public?
I know, post signs warning people not to eat the fish.š
Before going about my merry way, do not wild animals, say the elusive PA White-tailed Deer, drink from the Shenango?
Any "Do Not Eat The Animals" signs posted where hunting is permitted along the polluted section of water. (keep in mind, deer do roam) Wait.... silly me the PGC has their own boogeyman called CWD.
Goodtimes and tightlines.