French drains seems to be what we're doin' this summer. Took a weeks vacation week before last and started out to put in one new gutter drain and a field drain, but then..... She who must be obeyed got involved, (somethin' about a little water comin' throught the basement wall), and $3200 dollars later, I've got a new French drain along the back wall and side wall of the house, with piping runnin' clear down through the yard. Also got the new gutter drains in and provision to put another downspout in the middle of the back wall, as it's about 60' long and had to run to the ends of the house to exit. Now most of the yard is clay mud. 50 lbs. of grass seed, ($150), and 7 bales of straw at $7.00 ea. Had to cover the clay for when it pours 'cause we have two Great Danes, and we can't live with them comin' in the house 3 or 4 times a day with those big muddy feet. Went to rinse out my coffee cup at the kitchen sink before leavin' for work this morning, and out in my yard were 3 full grown hen turkeys and I counted 13 poults, just munchin' my grass seed as fast as they could.
I thought about sicin' Mariah on them, but knowin' her she'd catch one of them, so I went out to shoo them away. They were in no hurry to leave at all.