2019/08/17 07:18:19
Welp weather dude saying maybe, might, could, possibility of severe weather for North West Penn's Woods maybe sometime today. (8/17)

🌧 Keep an Eye to The Sky.🌩

Stay tuned.....ok🤗


2019/08/17 09:34:38
Just wondering ....
2019/08/17 09:34:38
Just wondering without looking up details how much rain have we had this year or summer ? Did we break any monthly records ? I personally can't remember ever seeing our local lakes and rivers this high for so long ! It seems like Pymy gets little effect from heavy rains while Shenango floods the banks even though Shenango has seven gates open to unload water.  Apparently much more water feeds into Shenango faster with the river and creek flows.       
2019/08/17 10:27:18
Shenango don't matter to me, Captain. I've been on Shenango 3 times in the past two years and have yet to hook a fish, 'cept for a big one eyed channel cat. I figure there gotta be a few toothy critters in there somewhere, but they so far have eluded me. Maybe this fall?
2019/08/17 13:25:26
Just wondering without looking up details how much rain have we had this year or summer ? Did we break any monthly records ? I personally can't remember ever seeing our local lakes and rivers this high for so long ! It seems like Pymy gets little effect from heavy rains while Shenango floods the banks even though Shenango has seven gates open to unload water.  Apparently much more water feeds into Shenango faster with the river and creek flows.       

I saw something in June that the Pittsburgh area was on pace for the highest total precipitation for a year at that point.  Dunno where we're at now though.  I was actually just thinking about a few places that I fish that are really low and need some rain.  Then I punched myself in the ear for actually wishing it would rain after all the messes it created earlier this summer.  
Usually by this time in the summer, my grass needs to be cut about once every two weeks.  Still cutting about every 5-7 days though.  Have one spot in my yard that has a spring underground - about 500 sq. feet - that's always swampy in the spring and can't cut till about the end of May or early June.  Finally just was able to get my lawn tractor in there for the first time last week without sinking it.  
2019/08/17 14:28:01
 On average September is the fourth wettest month for Pa. 
2019/08/17 15:27:19
rsquared I been searching the NWS rainfall data for 2019 and navigating their web sight, makes me want to "punch myself in the ear". 
Speaking of rain...….   here it comes!!!!!!  Again
 Update: bye bye stupid rain. 🙃
P.S.  Cute post Crappie.
2019/08/17 16:35:40
Shenango has good Striper action white, smallmouth ,and largemouth Bass. Crappie are scattered all over the lake too . Musky are far and in-between but Pike seem to be around . Of course catfish are around steady but carp seem to be not as popular as are walleye. This year was a bust for me water stayed muddy and high then the heat rolled in....others faired well that went steady .  
To me it's an early morning, late evening fishery because once the pleasure boats and jet skis show up it's over. I prefer first light till about 9am and I mainly chase only Stripers.  Work the shorelines ,trestles and the old river channel ....don't feel bad it's easy to get skunked on that lake. Some of those guys posting pics on Shenango fish almost daily ....all spring and summer they pound it ! ....and they get the skunk many a day too ! ....lol     
2019/08/18 07:18:56
CRAPOLA.......! and I ain't talkin bout the munchie stuff made in Ely Minnesota neither.
2019/08/18 07:50:06
Cap..... bout that "good Striper action white, smallmouth ,and largemouth Bass. Crappie" too.

Ya forgot the up & coming trout fishery, on Shenango River Lake.

😞....... sorry.

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