2019/07/11 19:57:50
Walleye jigs
B.T. any idea when you plan to stock ?

I expect the PFBC be putting up signs "Designated Trout Waters". lmao.

Crappie Kennerdell is a nice area. We looked for several months but just couldnt find a place that said 'Welcome Home'.

The Allegheny is great fun..... river folks are cool. 😉
2019/07/11 20:09:10
 Yeah, I like the area also. Dream Catcher, a couple of my boys & I did a float trip through the area some yrs. back & was very pleasant. I like the canoe thing anymore so it would work out good. Only 40 minutes from our place in Brady township & cheap taxes to boot.
2019/07/11 21:45:36
Became almost a weekly thing during the summer, back in the 80s. We'd leave Franklin on a Friday Morning and float the river camping two nights on shore then exiting just past the bridge in Kennerdell on Sunday.

Toward the end, before buying a jet boat, we loaded our gear and canoe on a trailer using the steep ramp just upstream from the bridge.

Man... them was the days.
2019/07/12 08:37:06
Watched an interview between TWC (drama queens) and a marine biologist in LA.

Drama queens tried making an issue with the "Toxic Algae Bloom" and got nowhere.

Biologist calmly explained the situation and wouldn't allow himself to be pulled into an
"😵MG we're all gonna die😳" scenario.

Jim "King of Drama Queens" (self proclaimed) Cantore couldn't wait to move away from the interview, and return to "TheEndIsComing" reporting.

Anyways storm tracking map says "Barry" could be coming for a visit to Penn'sWoods. Stay tuned.
2019/07/14 10:39:55
Welp..... I'm thinkin maybe time to stretch the vocal cords a bit. Don't want to be out of tune if we need to start singing "Rain Rain GO Away".

Better yet, "Barry Barry STAY Away". ☔🌧🌩
2019/07/15 23:50:29
PSSSSST     HEY      pssssst……     I know the little puff of clouds to our south southwest is the remnant of "Barry"  but what the hell is that thing comin at us from the north northwest?

Update: Good deal, the thing stayed muup north. "Barry" musta chased it away. 😬

Maybe that thingy due west will chase "Barry" away.

PS. Weather dude reporting another 'ground soaker' be comin. Ohhhh goody.
2019/07/20 07:08:11
SHHHHHHAZAM........ SURFs UP...... and so will be every ditch, brook, krick and river not to mention Pymy, Shenango, Wilhelm & heck, Tamarack should be near full if this rain keeps up.

Lookout below muupere.⚡🌧🌊

Stay dry.
2019/07/20 10:55:43
This is at 322 & Deep Hallow road in Venango County . This clown is battling with the township and just puts all these junk campers and cars along the highway .Be interesting who pays for this clean up , was wondering how long it would take for this to happen , the area is known for flooding ...anyway BTDT my boat is still in the garage at least trailer had new tires and batteries for boat maybe get out there someday before the hard water comes back ..... lol


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2019/07/20 12:38:14
YOWZER...... sumbody gonna be hearin bout that... 10-4!!!

Mopar funny you mentioned your boat being in the garage. I just came in for a break after getting my boat emptied of all the crap piled inside. I swear, my neighbors heard I was moving and unloaded all their junk. lmao.

Mercy, humidity and heat are unrelentless today so I'm taking a break before my next honeydew project. Need to install 7 feet of culvert pipe and widen the drive entrance a tad bit. Will help prevent putting a twist on the trailer axles when backing in. Also keep from hitting a power pole. 😬
2019/07/20 20:13:31
AI YI YI...………..

All done..... yea!!

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