I was very surprised that we shared the Midriver with a nearly full house, but we were the only ones at the meeting. I think a lot of them pulled out for home when they saw what was happening with the flow (Thursday's 2200 is hard fishing, but 3500 is a waste of energy for a flyrodder, I can't imagine today's 5500!). Certainly, Friday PM was almost abandoned except for the boaters, and they were getting quite a ride.
I should add that the hatchery was full, 7 races with fish, lots of hogs, so if they stay there until the water recedes a bit, and don't just ride the first wave below Beaver dam all the way to the lake, May could be lots of fun up there.
I said hello to Fred, he was out scrubbing one of the dry tanks, he says he'll be there most days until July when he gets laid off for a month.