2016/03/09 10:53:57
One of the big must haves for the boat (sea nymph F&S) is a cover.  One that will stay on for high speed travel and be waterproof.  I budgeted 1500 for this item.  There are a few guys that advertise boat covers up north and a few in Ohio.  I wasn't looking forward to several long drives.  I live about 20 mins from West Penn Marine in Butler, so I gave them a call.  He patterns on Wednesday so I got my boat out of the garage and took it over this morning.  
We discussed tent poles with vents vs bows.   The main difference seems to be adjustability.  I went with three tent poles with vents.  He also told me that the snaps I had would work a lot better if they were a bit farther down the side.  Because where they are is close to the rail and would create a bad angle.  I'd rather remove and patch a bunch of wrong/crusty snaps and have it done right, so that's what I went with.  Quote for the cover custom fitted with poles, vents and new snaps is $750.  And I should have it by this Saturday.  That seems like a very good deal to me.  I'll post some pictures when I pick it up.  
2016/03/09 14:51:10
I had the Amish canvas place make mine.  I always found it to be a pain, but necessary to say the least.  It's cumbersome and difficult for me to attach by myself, just getting the 3 tent poles to stay up and in place while trying to stretch the cover to reach the snaps is a chore.  It's easier on warmer days as the cover is more supple and easier to work with, when I'm putting the boat up for the winter and it's cooler, I have to call my neighbor to give me a hand.  He's a strong kid and he'll struggle to get it snapped.  1 of my tent poles have gone thru the canvas due to the weight of the snow even tho this area is reinforced.  Storing it properly is a must as mice will have a field day with it, great nesting material.  Thought I had it mouse proofed in the shed but they still managed to get in and now my cover has a few holes.
2016/03/16 16:51:15
Got my boat back today.  Here are some pictures of the cover.  I think it looks fantastic!  Very happy with it.  Haven't had it off or tried to recover yet, which will tell how easy to use it is.  $750 out the door, 5 year complete warranty, stitching covered lifetime.  Waterproof, vented travel cover.  Hit 65 on the way home and it didn't budge.  The loops are sewn in in case I want to use bungees for extra high speed security.  Will update on that after my first Erie haul.

2017/05/30 11:46:55
I think it is okay to necro my on thread... had this cover in use for a little over a year now.  Hauled back and forth to Arthur on rt79 regularly with no issues at all.  No leaks, no rips, no fuss.  Reasonably easy to put on and take off.  Hauled to NC in a hurricane and ALMOST lost it crossing the bridge, but I can't fault the cover for that.  Even after being nearly torn off it didn't even have a scratch.  Towed down to DE last week and never lost a snap (added a front bungee on each side).  
This thing is A+ at worst and worth every penny I spent.  Don't know the longevity yet but I'm not worried.  By the time I need a new cover I'll have already traded into a different boat anyway.  
2017/05/30 16:12:10
Thanks for the update. Thinking of going this route myself.

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