One of the big must haves for the boat (sea nymph F&S) is a cover. One that will stay on for high speed travel and be waterproof. I budgeted 1500 for this item. There are a few guys that advertise boat covers up north and a few in Ohio. I wasn't looking forward to several long drives. I live about 20 mins from West Penn Marine in Butler, so I gave them a call. He patterns on Wednesday so I got my boat out of the garage and took it over this morning.
We discussed tent poles with vents vs bows. The main difference seems to be adjustability. I went with three tent poles with vents. He also told me that the snaps I had would work a lot better if they were a bit farther down the side. Because where they are is close to the rail and would create a bad angle. I'd rather remove and patch a bunch of wrong/crusty snaps and have it done right, so that's what I went with. Quote for the cover custom fitted with poles, vents and new snaps is $750. And I should have it by this Saturday. That seems like a very good deal to me. I'll post some pictures when I pick it up.