2012/05/31 17:05:52
When the season opens in July I want to set some turtle lines out. Would it be worth while to set any in French creek?
2012/05/31 18:26:36
Snapping turtles are everywhere. You find them when you least expect it. Walleye fishing, in the middle of the road while going fishing...etc you find a deep hole ie. A beaver dam you'll find snappers. As for french creek i dont but i woulf assume.
2012/06/01 14:43:26
smally hunter
look for slower backwater type holes , ive always seen more leather backs in the creek personally 
2012/06/01 16:51:38
wade alexander
ive seen a ton of big soft shell turtles this yr there pretty cool looking
2012/06/01 17:28:19
The upper end of Frech Creek used to be the ultimate destination for snappers when we used to catch them by hand.Look for slow moving water with a mud bottom,also where there are undercut banks for them to hide in. Try to conceal the lines so that no-one sees them or the lines will disappear.
2012/06/01 20:19:54
I've seen a lot of turtles sunning themselves on the banks of French Creek below Utica but only a couple of the snapping variety, each time those were on the road going to or from the creek to a nearby pond.

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