2019/09/10 17:03:50
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is developing a new plan for inland trout stream management based on updated scientific information and the desires expressed by trout anglers during 16 public meetings held across the state in 2017. The meetings will feature a presentation introducing the primary tenets of the plan including stockingwild trout managementfishing regulations, and access. The presentation will be followed by a discussion period during which attendees can ask questions and provide informed comment.  The Cicero meeting will be held at Gillette Road Middle School at 6150 South Bay Road, Cicero, NY 13039 on October 9. The Glenfield meeting will be held at Glenfield BOCES in Conference rooms A & B (located behind the Technical Center) at 5836 State Rt. 12, Gelnfield, NY 13343 on October 15. For both meetings, doors will open at 6:30PM and meetings will run from 7 to 8:30PM.
2019/09/10 18:05:44
hot tuna

These were the focus points of the 2017 meetings.

Like L-13 said, hold on to your seat.
I'm seeing more on organizational groups in particular areas as special interests.
They already took out 2 dams on the ausable

2019/09/10 19:20:01
You can read that list as reduced stocking with the caveat your license fees will still increase as they'll be spending money on "studies".  The stocking in Washington, Rennsalaer, and Saratoga Counties has become a joke, with many places listed as being stocked never seeing a single fish.  Not my thing, I've caught more than my share by many hundreds, but for those not so dedicated or kids just starting out, it's bogus to play this game. Many states are doing this "wild" game as it  allows them to shut hatcheries, reduce expenditures, but still receive tax dollars and license revenues.  Valid arguments can be made for it, if you reduce , commensurate with stocking, license fees. Instead, they'll rise. 
2019/09/10 20:08:21
hot tuna
Nailed it fichy.
Any stream improvements will only happen for special interests, not so much the future fishers.
Rg kinda eluded to this long ago as big kids clubs.

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