I couldn't afford to replace a '63 Jazz Bass, you're north of 10K for that axe now! Sorry to hear that another player has been victimized by the sleaze!
Thx for the prayers, it was a church gig, so I got paid in goose eggs (Quadruple scale on Holy Days!). Around here, if you lean on a tree, at least one guitar player falls out and hits you in the head. You might have to lean on 10 trees to get hit by a bass player!
2Bob said it was a couple fish here and a couple there below the Staircase area. It sounds like they are running DSR, then stopping as soon as they reach Little Black, the Black, the Long bridge, or town, which ever is next when it gets light, for the remainder of the day, before heading upstream at night. 2B took a daytrip Sunday (I was building my goose egg collection), and there were fish being played in Trestle. This is the last big year class if the naysayers on the stocking cuts are correct, but I think you'll still see great runs in future years because no matter how many boats are out there, they barely scratch the surface of the total King population going into the lake. Or, if it dies down in the next weeks, mid September is the new Columbus Day.
Unless you shaved, you're a piece of cake to pick out, Fichy! I'm also blue as I had hoped to come up for the Columbus Day weekend fling at the Altmar, and sit in with Joe Battle, and I won't be holding a guitar pick by then.
Tight lines to all of you when you get up there.