2019/08/07 11:18:21
Hey everyone, 
I am not big on forums so feel free to correct me if I'm doing something out of line... but I was looking to get into a mix of people who frequent the Salmon  River. We just closed on a house in westdale on gifford lake and have been told that the fall months fisherman may want to rent the place since it is fairly close to the salmon river. If anyone could point me in a direction where to advertise or if you know anyone interested please let me know. We are currently open in the months of sept/october. The website is
any information from anyone would be greatly appreciated - including if you think the rental market isn't good or if we're too far away, when peak fishing is .. any of the ins and outs. Thanks in advance everyone!
2019/08/07 17:32:06
hot tuna
Welcome. I'm not familiar with that lake per say but frequent the area. I've spent years on the river and some seasonal on lake Ontario with my boat.
Your location I'd guess is 40 minutes off the river starting in altmar, 55 minutes to port Ontario given normal driving ?
A bit out of the prime circle but definitely not terrible and sometimes off the main gathering is better, imo.
It's a tough gig with all the campgrounds and lodges right in location so don't get discouraged.
One thing I can say is if it's available more past October, it might appeal to a more conservative audience such as snowmobile, ice and steelhead people. Come winter a lot of seasonal things shut down.
I'm kinda a outside the box person that would be intrested prior and after those dates you posted. Send me a PM describing some details.
Word of caution:
The policy here from the site is not to advertise anything not approved by fishusa.
As I myself was guilty over 15 years ago advertising for hire, it can get out of hand obviously during the season.
As you posted, a friendly word of knowledge is good to share.
2019/08/10 21:22:33
Clint S
I agree with HT you would have better luck catering to snow machines in the winter if you are close to trails up there. A bit far for most unless they are desperate
2019/08/21 16:35:35
Thanks guys, we are certainly looking towards the snowmobile crowd as well. I was actually very surprised how quickly we booked up for the summer. theyve been pulling some great bass and northern pike right out of the lake. It's good to know about the salmon crowd, ill keep my expectations low on any booking from that demographic. I did notice I couldnt post a website on here. i think if you google gifford lake house or www    giffordlakehouse dot com it should come up. Its a pretty cool place and as much as we want it rented... its a different area for us and want to get to know the area and people as well. I for one am pretty excited about the north country community . Thanks for all of the help and if you have any suggestions on places to eat- best bait... places to go... steer clear of... let me know!

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