A bad news with some good.
Thursday I pre packed as much as possible for my grandsons cub scouts trip. I'm so glad I did as tragedy struck on Friday.
At 11 am while eating lunch at work we noticed something strange out the window.
People thought it was just dust, I knew the difference. Our plant caught fire. We have a 1.5 mile shed type conveyer belt system that transports cement ( dust) to our port for barges at the river. It had caught fire.
Now industrial fires are the worst, very toxic.
There is a natural gas pipeline that runs right along the conveyer that had to be disabled. 5 fire companies responded. A train blocked access for 23 minutes. Our hydrants didn't work. This became a huge event.
I sprung into action helping fire crews any way possible . Pulling hoses, filling coolers, buckets , and anything I could find with ice, bottled water and Gatorade until I had to leave at 4pm . All I could taste and smelled like was burnt rubber and electrical wire.
Fireman were very fatigued and 1 was taken to the hospital. It was a very difficult fire because access was very limited. The natural draft in the enclosed system just kept the fire spreading.
I've worked there for 30 years and seen some fires but this was the worst.
So arriving home later than planned, we just threw everything together best we could and headed of to the scouts.
Another unfortunate thing is that I was only 1 of 2 males there. It was mostly all mothers taking their kids scouting, yes there was a female scout. Its just sad the fathers were or are to busy for their children ...
Nuff said there.
The trip was great. We did a 3 mile hike to a natural state park waterfall. We actually walked in 2 states, NY & MA
Then we went swimming in and old iron ore pond.
We also tried to earn some badges towards fishing but honestly, there were no fish in that pond at all.
Last night a huge storm came in about 8pm and everyone ran for cover. Some slept in their cars as their tents weren't worthy.
We batten down our tent and were just fine.
By 6am this morning people were just packing wet gear in their vehicles to get out.
We made coffee and took our time.
Home now , tired legs and 3 days work to catch up on.
I guess the message is to be kind and help your fellow people in anyway you can .
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