2019/08/06 20:18:47
hot tuna
So I'm a little distraught tonight.
The meds work well on the lyme, that's not the issue.
We rented a dumpster sat for about 30 years of clean out of our house, basement and garage. House is probably 4,000 square.
I get home today and see some progress from my work yesterday.
Upon inspection, the dumpster was full of history I've collected. Thousands of cds, VHS, 8 mill, dat recordings, pictures, old posters from 60's , reel to reel recordings of Jefferson airplane, albums, baseball, football, basketball cards, a rookie Marcus Allen, it goes on
I salvaged what I could.
My daughter's excuse was it's been sitting in closets forever.

Bad news and I'm trying to remain calm in the garden
2019/08/06 23:06:52
That's rough, HT.... I understand cleaning out, but big difference between clutter and history. Hope not too much damage was done. 
2019/08/07 00:00:14
If'n I was wearin HT's shoes, my daughter would be sittin in a corner wearin headphones listenin to every tape (auto repeat) over and over again with toothpicks holding her eyelids open as she stares at posters and sports related bubblegum cards and reciting over & over again, "I'll mind my own business... I'll mind my own business....

Good Grief HT that's a horrible story, what's wrong with these kids today anyway?
2019/08/07 07:56:04
They live in a “disposable” society. Everything is short lived and replaceable. Think a smartphone that is 2 years old needing replaced.

On our end, we kept everything, probably because our parents either knew of the Depression or lived it.

We also hold onto “things” for memories, while they hold onto photos on their devices.

When we moved 4.5 years ago, I did a major purge. I bet I tossed out 90% of the stuff I “saved.”

As we are getting close to finishing the trophy room and tiki bar in our basement, I’m going through the boxes that did make the move with us, looking for items that need to be displayed in the appropriate space.

None of those boxes have been opened since we moved, so just how essential is that stuff too?

I’ve gone through about 2/3’s of it and so far, I’m back on the 90+% purge rate. If I don’t have a place for it, there is no market to sell it (for even pennies on the dollar), and I’ve been able to live without seeing it for at least 4.5 years — I don’t need to keep it.
2019/08/07 10:35:33
Yeah but DarDys, it's like I tell my wife when she questions why I don't free up space that's been occupied for 20 years, with stuff I forgot I had.

Somebody might need to borrow it 🙄, and besides, I may have borrowed it😳.

Hey speakin of purging, did ya see my story on the otheR board about the guy being charged $70.00 to "properly" dispose of a 32" TV? Yep, $70.00 dollars to dump a TV😕
2019/08/07 11:25:54
hot tuna
Well, some of these items are priceless even if they have no value . Some of these items did have a lot of value such as old posters from the 60's and a bunch of old baseball- football cards. No matter, it was still my things until "I" decided to get rid of them. They were stored in " my " house even if my daughter is living there.
I just can't fathom what she did thinking that just because its been in closets for years.
2019/08/07 11:32:15
True. One should only edit their own belongings.
2019/08/07 14:14:15
True. One should only edit their own belongings.

True, the only value which matters is the value assigned by the rightful owner, others' opinions don't rate.
2019/08/08 08:32:44
Only moved once in my life--went to a much smaller more manageable house that I love on a piece of land in my family for almost 300 years. Love it.
Had a rule when 'thinning out stuff' prior to the move from a home I lived in for over 40 years.
If I hadnt used it for  several years 'it went to the dumpster'.
It was a big dumpster and I haven't noticed any of that stuff missing cause I still don't need it.
Saving all that 'important stuff' only means ya are saving it for someone else to toss when you are gone   lol.
Come to think about it -still have a few bins of 'gotta keep it' stuff in the garage that I haven't opened in 6 years--hmmm
2019/08/08 11:19:32
When my father passed away at 91, he had lived in the same house for 53 years. I went in for a couple of days for the first purge. I thought I got most of it. Boy, was I wrong.

I had an auction crew clear out the rest because they knew what was selling for what and what was not.

It took them two more days to empty the house. After the auction, which went very well (darn near everything sold), they deducted the clear out from the sale and the net was less than $500.

When we made this move, my Mother-In-Law came with us. While I had full rein to purge our stuff, I did not for hers. So 30 year old paid bills made the trip along with three sets of china (one was for my wife and one each for her granddaughters), but only after she passed.

As I finished the basement, I moved that china at least a dozen times, being careful not to damage any.

When she passed in May, we asked the granddaughters to take the china now that it was willed to them and their answer was, “WTF do we want that crap for?”

So now I get to move it again — to the garage.

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