2019/07/23 17:33:45
hot tuna
As some may know I have Lyme, diagnosed over 3 years ago. My understanding is it's an incurable disease that even with medications , it goes dormant but is always in your system. You can not just stay on the medication constantly .
Last year it flared up and I went back on antibiotics and it went dormant again. Well it's once again reared its ugly head . I noticed it about a month ago in my hands , arm and shoulder but put it off . It's now affected my leg , knee, hip and extremely painful. Sleeping is difficult , walking is a struggle as well as getting in and out of a vehicle or climbing. I can not raise my leg more than a foot off the ground.
Yes , I'm back on the heavy antibiotics and hope it subsides . For someone like myself , this is VERY tough to deal with due to my active lifestyle. Right now I just power through the pain and hope the meds start to work soon ..
Be very careful of those nasty bugs !!!     
2019/07/23 18:12:47
Sorry to hear your disease is flaring up again HT. Godspeed in your recovery.
2019/07/23 20:04:37
We'll leave some prayers on Heaven's doorstep for a speedy recovery and no more relapses.
2019/07/23 20:15:33
Sorry to hear HT, a nasty condition at any time but I can only imagine your frustration with having a flare now when you have so much going on! I do hope it eases quickly and hope you are able to give yourself a break, for a short while at least, to give your body a chance to rebound. 
2019/07/23 21:24:20
hot tuna
Thanks folks, just me crying the blues. Being laid up and struggling is hard for me. Seems getting older is , well, I'm sure not getting wiser..
There are far many people that have much more difficulty than me .
Please remember those in our thoughts as well.
Thanks again
Peace and Tuna
2019/07/24 07:26:32
 Sorry to hear that, RJ.  I'm finishing up a course  of Doxycyclin, today. I have no idea when I got it, just attributed tons of aches and pains to arthritis. Of course, thanks to testing, now I know I don't have arthritis.  Lyme's  is curable in many cases, especially if caught early.  I'm starting to wear permethrin treated clothes to fish and hike, I  was going to last year, but gave my spray to a farmer friend.  I'm back working with a semi-functional leg, I couldn't walk for a week.  I did do one plumbing job for a cabinet maker friend for a had-to-happen  installation with a walker and a cane.  Fun!   
    I stopped in here to see what was happening on the lake and what the  silly season ahead may look like;  kind of a bummer to see your news.  Prayer sent and get well,  say hello if you see me on the river. 
2019/07/24 07:46:43
I have a friend in Saratoga who is on his third case, not relapses, but reinfection.  The **** ticks are everywhere even here in Monroe County, the Parks Department has been putting up warning signs in the parks.  I mentioned it to my doctor a couple of years ago, and he added it to my test panel based on the amount of time I spend in the woods.  It doesn't help me do the check when I get home, but if I get a " silent" case, it will detect it and we can start mega-dosing the cypro or doxy.
2019/07/24 12:19:26
My homestead is surrounded by woods and brush,so I rarely walk off my mowed grassy area(which is about 15% of the total 5 acres),so I am very aware of the tick problem.I check my body and clothes every time I venture outside.Beside that now we have the skitters and the potential of West Nile virus!
Sorry for your problem Rich,hope you feel better soon,Sept is around the corner.
2019/08/02 14:55:03
Sorry to hear Tuner!
My best vibes coming at ya.
Hope this helps[tube]https://youtu.be/671AgW9xSiA[/tube]
2019/08/02 17:33:13
hot tuna
I will say the meds and good vibes Lukas gave us last week have helped tremendous. I'm good to go again for awhile

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