I was starting my day at NYS Zone 3 Police Academy (Westchester, Rockland & Putnam) when reports came over the radio. Some twenty minutes later a good friend called saying a he was on the Westside Drive and saw the plane hit one of the towers. I said that I had heard that a small plane struck the building. He immediately said "it was no small plane, it was a commercial airline." At that moment everything came to a screeching halt. A decision was made to suspended police recruit training for the day directing all recruits to respond to their respective agencies. I was ordered to take the police launch with a subordinate to put in at George's Island, a Westchester County boat launch, which was just down river from Indian Point. I still think about sitting in that craft a few hundred yards from that reactor wondering what the hell were we to do if another plane ditched into the cooling towers. We stayed mid river until dark returning to port a short time later.
The next day me, my lieutenant and an officer from the academy took the departments' armored personnel carrier down to ground zero. The sights, sounds and smells will stay with me until I take my last breath. What everyone saw on TV the days, weeks and months following that day could not, did not, compare to seeing the destruction first hand.
God bless those lost, those still fighting and those who lived through that terrible day.
Never Forget!