2012/06/20 11:14:55
Was at Kahle this morning and seen equipment running behind the dam...Didn't get close enough to get a good look at it but looked like a big dozer....Anybody know if they are starting on fixing the dam....Email fish commision awhile back but didn't get a response.
2012/06/22 21:40:19
I haven't fished Kahle since the ice was on. I hope that they get the dam fixed soon. Has anyone been fishing it?
2012/06/23 22:31:18
Haven't been over in awhile.I'd like to hear what's goin on.
2012/06/23 23:35:20

Haven't been over in awhile.I'd like to hear what's goin on.

We talked alot last year about Kahle but never got together. We should fix that this year. I have some ideas that I'd like to try out on Kahle and it's a long way to haul my boat. Interested in a fishing trip? I just talked to a guy that swears he and his buddy brought 60 crappie out of there last weekend with the smallest being 12" and the biggest 16". He told me where he got them too
2012/06/24 10:00:31
Yea ok..Kahle is good but NOT THAT good 
2012/06/25 08:50:33
good one S.D.. that should open up pyme. & shenango for a while, while the trolls & moochers hit Kahle.
2012/06/25 10:14:03
Like PSU said, it was probably bull$^&* anyway. Besides, you can consistantly get boxes of big crappie in Pymie and Shenango. If you would  happen to have a ridiculous banner day like that on Kahle, it would be a one-in-a-million day. However, usually at the bottom of every fish story there is a bit of truth. These guys probably caught either some big fish or big numbers of decent fish (not 15 inchers like they said). Either way, I wouldn't mind going up to see what I could find.
2012/06/25 10:18:32

Yea ok..Kahle is good but NOT THAT good 

I never swallow a fish story completely. I've become pretty familiar with Kahle and know what it's capable of and what it's not capable of. I just said that they told me that. I didn't say I believed it. However, they probably had a pretty good catch. Just not as good as they said they did. Either way, it's enough to get me interested. I've never caught a crappie out of Kahle over 14". I'm sure they're in there, but not in the numbers that these guys claim. Personally, I think Kahle is better for giant bulls than  for slabs anyway.
2012/06/25 20:48:19
I would say that anyone who said they caught that many slab crappie at Kahle was stretching the truth. I was there about 2 weeks ago and it wasn't anywhere near that good. Nobody I saw or talked to was doing very well. Caught a few perch and bluegill, but no crappie. I have never seen anyone catch that many big crappie, even during the spawn, at Kahle.
2012/06/25 22:01:52

I would say that anyone who said they caught that many slab crappie at Kahle was stretching the truth. I was there about 2 weeks ago and it wasn't anywhere near that good. Nobody I saw or talked to was doing very well. Caught a few perch and bluegill, but no crappie. I have never seen anyone catch that many big crappie, even during the spawn, at Kahle.

I agree. Like I said, they were probably stretchin' it. I'd still like to get up there and give it a try soon. I always stick to the same spot up there because it consistantly produces 10.5-11" gills. It's hard to walk away from that. I think next time I go, I'm gonna try some new water and see what I find. I never fish the deeper water up there. I might give it a shot next time.

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