• Northwest PA
  • 7/19/12 fishing report Lake Erie (Conneaut Ohio)
2012/07/19 16:04:04
Sergeant Major
My 14first year old son joined me today. We knew the storms where coming and planned to get off the lake as soon as we seen trouble coming. The waves at just before day break were kinda ruff going out so we decided we would troll with the waves instead of fighting them when we got to our start point which was north west of launch at the 04.5 line and troll southwest because of the northeast winds. I had heard that the eye catching was taking place about that area in 58 to 68ft of water we started in 72 and would troll to shallow. We never made it. We limited out by 1015 am and never got shallower than 70. All the eyes were pigs 24 and up. I had a hit on the downrigger and thought i had a huge eye until it started really stripping off line in a long tug of war and to my suprise when my son netted it. We saw a 6 1/2 lb Brown trout. My biggest ever. Well lets see lead core was smoking hot with willows green or yellow. 6 colors back. The dipseys took a couple at 125 back and the rigger took a couple. Ran all meat except for the one spoon i caught the brown on. Had some good marks also. Not great but better. Good luck and yes we where well off the lake when the storms hit. If anybody wants numbers from my GPS send me a pm and i will get them for ya. I cant go again till Wednesday. I will get some pics on here as soon as my computer starts working right. Good Luck and be safe.
2012/07/19 16:11:03
Sounds like a great trip Sarg, way to go!
2012/07/19 17:34:35
Sergeant Major
Thanks pork. When we came off the lake it had layed down and we came off at 30mph. That just made the whole morning
2012/07/19 19:15:30
2012/07/19 20:49:21
Sergeant Major
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2012/07/19 21:39:55
Nice haul. Congrats.
2012/07/19 22:45:33
Nice work with the Eyes sarge! And great bonus with the brownie! Double the points of a steelhead
2012/07/20 10:17:59
2012/07/20 10:36:50
Nice fish porn.  Congrats on the personal best brownie.  Hopefully the PFBC efforts to get them established is paying off enough to keep them around. 
2012/07/20 18:19:11
Sergeant Major
Well my brother just stopped and took my boat. I think he wants to get in on the action oh well i got to work so i will let you know how he does this weekend.

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