I thought, as the first flurries drift down on the river and temporarily bejewel the piles of garbage left behind,
I'd start a thread on keeping warm. Lots of gear out there to choose from, I thought it might be instructive if people shared some of the stuff that works for them. A few pieces that have made me happier when it's heading for zero- Polarex fingerless glove /mittens , the type that have a place to tuck away the mitten when you're fishing. I built a house through a Vermont winter with these and used them fishing. They still work when wet, and have a double layer of fleece/polypropylene . My wife found them online for me, when the old ones started to rip beyond repair. About 14 bucks and very well worth it. Used as fishing gloves only, they'd last for years. I took a lot of grief for the bomber hat I wear, and having it appear in pictures. Yeah, on me. it looks stupid (not the hat's fault and a good reminder to stay out of pics here- never worried about it elsewhere), but the product is outstanding. It's a hat made by Columbia using their Omni-Heat reflective technology. They make products using a Kevlar/metallic material that is incredibly reflective. You put this hat on and heat radiates immediately. I never had a cold head even with below zero temps. My wife now has a parka and mittens with the same stuff. They are a good company and if something goes wrong, they will make good on it, even years down the road. It's also very water repellant and kept me dry when we've had cold rain, and certainly when snow piled up on it. I dislike wearing hoods when I'm in the river- I like to keep my peripheral vision- never know when a drift boat's sneaking up on you or a pinner's hero drift is about to go under your cast.

Some things help me fish longer in the cold, with the daylight getting shorter, water time is important to me. I know we've got hunters and ice fisherman, too- it all applies.