2012/10/24 19:16:07
I started fishing the Salmon River on Oct 4, at the Sportsman Pool.  In 13 years of  fishing the Salmon River, I've never been on the river during a strong salmon run.  This year, from Oct 4, to approx Oct 14, the salmon run was on big time.  I literally had my limit within ten minuets of legal fishing time and, there were multiple  beds of spawning salmon.  The only problem I had was with the guides, and their customers, who aparently think the river belongs to them because they paid the guides to fish, in the same area I fish normally.  You would think guides would request their clients to respect others on the river, rather than acting like they're the only ones allowed to fish the Sportsman.  I think what really made them mad was, after landing [3] salmon within 8 minuets with my fly rod, I then began taking pictures with my camera while fighting and landing fish.  Did anyone else fish the Sportsman Pool and have a problem with the guides? 
2012/10/24 19:45:19
Clint S
Not there, but many other places.   Last winter I was fishing at the wires, pretty much the whole place empty and a boat parked right across  from me.  I was standing on the bank.   Then heard the guide say, don't worry about him just cast right at that guy get as close to his feet as you can.  They proceeded to cast right in my drift without even trying to take my fishing into consideration and since there were 2 of them I had trouble getting a drift off.  got crossed  with them 2 or 3 times. He got huffy and left saying I should learn to to time my drift better.
Edit   Many, many guides are great will share the water and even some info every now and then.
2012/10/24 20:03:33
retired guy
   Guess I have a softer approach to the guides on boats drifting through- I pull in and sit  back and letem fish- they never stay too long and if they hook up -good for them- there are more fish in the river.. Have even yelled over to tell the guides where fish are laying if I have seen them...Kinda figure its my fun and those guys are making a living at it. Besides they cant go up they gotta come down through.
 On the other hand -back when -had more than one  time in the DSR when hooking up in a seam or small hold and having guides and clients move right in on me- THAT pi$$es me right off.  DONT try and stand in the same spot as me- its a big world and that aint necessary.
   If they had come in well below I would have  eventually  GIVEN them the spots- kinda enjoy seein others get some too -aint a numbers game for me-- but DONT PUSH.
 Homey dont play dat. 
2012/10/24 20:04:28
hot tuna
Glad to hear you had your best run ever..
I totally blew salmon off in 2012 and liked reading others great adventures better this year..
Kudos to hittin it big time..
Poo poo on the rest however..
Limit in 10 mins and thats a problem.. Yikes..
2012/10/24 20:23:26
Clint S
X2 RT.  Have no issues with them fishing near me or sharing water.   Since I am leaning I always look where they are setting up, what they are using and how they are fishing.    Same as you though when one set up right across from me and tells his clients to cast at my feet it rubbed me wrong, just by the guys attitude I could tell he was a jerk.
2012/10/24 20:32:07
retired guy
This logging in alll the time still is a PITA-- Bout half the time when going from thread to thread gotta go back to all the forums and then to Sr and then to the next thread -loosing my login bout half the time again going from thread to thread. PItA. Forseeing another 'tech Issue' coming up.

 The only ones for whom I just move out Clint are the idiots- they really just dont know better and I simply am NOT the idiot police-easier to just move out.
2012/10/25 03:39:23
RT I don't think its not that they don't know better.
They just don't care.
They're the ones people remember and give all the rest a bad name.
I know many great guides and have guided myself.
I also have encountered some pretty rude guides on the river.
Many of thgose are the local hero in Vt or M****s that really have limited knowledge so when they bring a group from home in they are one trick ponies under pressure to giterdone and aren't going to let manners get in the way.
They have told there clients this is how it is on the SR and they don't know any better.
2012/10/25 18:37:43
Retired I think it was one of those years no matter when you went there was a run it never stopped every time I went was better than the last and the first trip was a great trip. Glad to hear you got into them

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