tired yesterday so i just hit the high points.
where i was i fished with 3 others in sight till around 10am.
the 2 guys about 50 yards below me fishing long line mostly high stick nympthing.
1 hit 6 or 7 i believe landing 1 and his partner fishing the same hit at least 2 landing 1.
that was the only 1 i saw stringered.
the fella 25 yaeds upstream was bobberfly fishing and had about a half sozen on landing 2.
it was a really special day.
arbout 10 am 4 bobber fishers and a fly guy water starer,just fish for cripe sakes,showed i think because the guys downstream kept following there fish out of my sight and prolly into those others.
i had come for redemption so was fishing my #8 and 10# test so i stood toe to toe and landed them pretty much where i hooked them.