2012/10/18 05:31:24
it was not my most memorable day.
great time with a great friend but definately not great fishing.
7am til 3:30pm without a real pull between us.
the skunk hung heavy in the air whereever we fished.
i can't wait to get back to play in the water again.
i will make them pay for dissing us.
i hope
2012/10/18 07:47:06
 Very doubtful  your next report will wear stripes.  In a way, I'm glad I can't make  it out  for another week and change, this transition time  might not be very productive for me either.  How was the traffic on the river?
2012/10/18 17:00:22
bumper to bumper some places, wide open highway in others.
2012/10/18 18:55:05
hot tuna
I like open spaces.. A skunk every now and then ain't such a bad thing either..
2012/10/19 02:32:01
i wear the skunk proudly.
i don't like it when it happens but if it didn't happen now and then i would find a new hobby.
its what keeps me trying to figure out the what and why that made it happen.
it keeps my head in the game.
2012/10/19 07:31:58
I really don't like taking all those tomato juice baths.  It was not a lack of fish either, I saw 6 steelheads in the course of the afternoon, including one that jumped 7 times as if hooked, then disapperaed when I got down to where it was frolicking to try a few casts to her.  Maybe it was the dropping temperatures on Tuesday, or what I'm thinking is that there are still so many kings around that there is little space for a trout to hold without getting attacked by male salmon, so they don't drop into spots to hold and start feeding.  One big male rainbow that was headed downstream had a chinook mouth size chunk out of his back.   And mid October has always been a crap shoot for chrome, but when you hit the jackpot, the payoff is the most active jumpy fish of the season.  At least I got the stripes off the season last Saturday with a beautiful hen on a streamer in the Genesee, and as I'm only 10 minutes away from there, I'll get down for a couple of hours any day that I can, even when responsibilities keep me from traveling to the clear water up on the east endf of the lake.
Enjoy the remaining warmth, November is right around the corner.
2012/10/19 08:09:23
Its still early... i think many have a skewed view based on last year... last year was abnormal with the amount of steelhead from midriver and upper river in the month of october... in my experience through the years, steelhead was always a lower river game for the most part in october...as it is so far this year
2012/10/20 08:55:52
so where and why do you think steelhead moving thru the dsr decide to stop going upriver in oct.
i get that they will be packed tighter in the dsr at this time but can't think of what would stop them from moving further up.
2012/10/20 09:17:38
So I take it the main salmon run is over and although a lot remain slowly  timing out in the river, it is time for the other fall run species like the browns and steel head ? Is this a slow time before the other species start their anual fall run?
2012/10/20 09:35:18
Bobslee, when i say lower river i dont necessarily mean dsr only. I typically refer to the lower river as through town and above to around the clam shed... as foor steelhead staying low??? Surprisingly enough, most years i always witness a fair amount of natural repro in the lower stretches..this year was quite abundant... i would assume that a steelheads mindset is not programmed to just run the river entirely so early as they do not have spawn on their mind yet and at the same time there is plenty of egg, goo, and flesh in the lower end that they feel no reason to seek other lies... also, salmon are dominent and the trout naturally stay back from them... i guess theres many different reasons why they may do this. I often wonder if the steelbows ever go back and forth from the river to lake as it has been recorded that coastal rainbows in kamchatka waters do this... all in all, its just a great fishery...bottom line... we can try our best to figure out how and why but it seems to always vary slightly and never be the same...tight lines and hopefully your next outting will have a little more action

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