2012/09/13 13:02:08
You guys have been a great help!
2012/09/14 08:20:12
Reds a great guy, and he'll get you on fish.
2012/09/14 11:05:59
B**** make sure to post a trip report when you get back...would love to hear how you guys do.
2012/09/14 12:27:48
Will do!
2012/09/16 21:31:31
if your going to fish the allegheny fish with red.  i dont think todd does the river but if i was going to hire a guide for chautauqua i'd go with todd.  just talked to him the other day at the late & he has been catching some fish.  as far as larry jones, a lot of people are jealous of the fish he catches & post bad things about him.  ive seen pictures of the fish he catches. he is also willing to help when your in the water.  very willing to share info.
2012/09/16 22:25:44
Thanks Muske!
2012/09/17 20:20:58

as far as larry jones, a lot of people are jealous of the fish he catches & post bad things about him.  ive seen pictures of the fish he catches. he is also willing to help when your in the water.  very willing to share info.

You have got to be kidding me!! Jealous!! If anyone spent 5 minutes on his forum it would be clear as day he is nothing to be jealous of, in fact it is a little sad. He has to get admin permission to remove any post he feels is hurtful to him, class act. I mean a guide of his stature surely can produce results (pictures) when people question, instead he just deletes what he dont like 
How can a man claim to catch 150+ muskies in the same NY season 2 years ago, and not even have 20 this year. He has posted pictures not to long ago about his 3 fish day on his forum...ok great, but it is clearly the same fish in photo 2 and 3 (look at the fishes left side of its jaw they have the same flap of flesh ripped and hanging. I would put money on photo 1 is the same fish as well) He is a JOKE
Maybe you would be interested in a guided steel head trip with dirt bag Larry, he has done it in Washington, or maybe book a trip with him in south america for pea**** bass, or even more exotic his south africa tours... it will be ok you will be safe remember how he foiled that bus hijacking in texas a few years ago that no new coverage was reported.
You can trust him as well, why not book a three day trip with him right now for 2013 or 2014 he is running a special, he wants to collect the money now so Social Security wont be effected (very classy) next year, then he will cancle trips. He is trust worthy, he is admits to a scam on social security
Jealous? Oh ya you bet, look at his site, and forum and see if any of the pics of fish are recent. Be sure to note he may have several pics of the same fish. He is a poor excuse for a guide. (he has posted all summer, no fish today, to hot, water to colored, lake turning over, boat broke, no camera, trailer broke, all excuses because he realizes he is exposed) It is laughable that he has anyone who would take a stand for him
2012/09/17 21:31:23
Handline, I get the impression that you are not a fan.  Okay, from what I have heard on here I won't book him.
So, reading this prompts a new question: Why are muskie so much harder to catch than pike? They are both Esox and they are both predatory.
2012/09/17 22:16:44
Perch and walleye are from the same family. It is easier to catch more perch mainly from a numbers stand point.  
There is many more aspect that make muskie a more difficult fish to catch, but a reader digist version could simply boil down to there are more pike swimming in the water than musky. You have a higher chance of finding an active pike.
2012/09/17 22:56:33
ray j
OK, I fished with Larry Jones.  Last year July 5th, trolled 8 hours.  Zip, nothing, nada.  I fished with him 2 years ago, June 30th.  We got 6 fish in the boat.   I lost a couple more.  Great day.  Fished 8 hours.  Larry was willing to keep us out the full 12 hours, but I told him I was well satisfied and he could take the rest of the day off.  That's fishing.  Sometimes you get fish, sometimes you don't.  And Yes, I posted pictures of all 6 fish the next day.  Fish with Larry, fish with Red, fish with Jeff, or fish with Todd, just go fish!!!

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