2012/11/07 19:51:50
First snow of the season has been falling since 1 PM.  Probably have 4" on the ground on top of Stormville Mountain.  The storm is supposed to break by mid-day tomorrow and I plan to be in the woods when it does.  It takes those little brown b--t---s a few days to realize they are no longer invisible.  With the rut starting to heat up it could be interesting before the 60 degree weather this weekend.  May even take a walk around the 700 acres of NYC watershed property at the end of my street hoping to cut across a good set of tracks. 
2012/11/07 20:04:53
Keep them off the thruway if I get one with the company van I will tag it for you if it isn't too bad. Lots of deer between Albany and Jersey.
2012/11/07 20:25:33
Good luck, Gerry. Get that venison so you can chase some steel.  On the Vt. border we're gonna get squat.
2012/11/07 20:51:34
hot tuna
The hills of Oneonta had a dusting sat morning and steady snow all day.. They get Lake Effect stuff..
It finally started here below Albany an hr or so ago.. Not much but I'm sure an inch or 2 in am..
No hunting for another week when the big bang starts and then it will be grinder time.. Just like the guide says.. No deer no pay guarantee.. We do fine on the Ice ::
 Speaking of Ice..
Puddles were froze all day today, after this weekend open water, next in the woods, I think (hope) I'll be walking on water by DEC-1
2012/11/07 21:23:08
Only one op so far, a small spike that I let walk.  HT and Clint have pics of two brutes I have in my neck of the woods.  Hoping that they will make a mistake when their noses are in the wind looking for tail.  Putting together a new toy, a CVA Apex.  Just got the frame, waiting on a 7mm-08 and .50 cal BP Bergara barrels.  I enjoy the challenge of a single shot, do or die situation.  No alibi's. 
Fichy, doubtful for steel before January.  Hunting, holidays  & my daughter's graduation on Dec. 16 from SUNY Albany Graduate School have my dance card all filled up. 
Drifting snow is piling up.  Wind gusts to 50 MPH.  Hoping the power stays on through the night.       
2012/11/07 21:49:37
hot tuna
I do have some technology of deer over cyber space. Nice ones to boot !
Hope you bag a buck !!
-13 kinda said it before . Cell phones and dumb users.
I blew it sat in my stand playing on Internet phone. Look up and a 6 pt with 3 doe under my stand. Shoulda took a picture instead of trying to draw my bow.
Im about meat and the doe was there for me to blow. I did.
Hope the fishing is more exciting this weekend ?

2012/11/07 22:01:13
HT- that's why I leave the cameras, phones and video cameras behind.  Invariably when you reach for something to eat, drink or start to relieve yourself is when you get flagged. 
2012/11/07 22:25:17
I don't think I ever said dumb, I just can't understand hauling the stuff into the woods that I am in the woods trying to get away from!  But good luck with the "wensons"
2012/11/08 02:43:36
Does = tasty.
horns ain't good for nothing til you grind them down and make toothpicks.
drop a big hen for the freezer.
2012/11/08 10:03:16
Ended up with 6+" of the white stuff.  Just enough to fire up the snowblower.  Should melt quickly.  If only the wind would quit it would be a good afternoon in my treestand.   

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