2012/08/28 08:17:10
Hi yinz, hows it fishin right now?  Im headed up there wednesday near Kennerdel and wondered if anyone's been doing any good.  
2012/08/28 20:08:20
been slaying them on live bait as always
2012/08/28 23:35:38
Cool thanks guys hopefully ill have a good update.  
2012/08/29 21:18:09
The floating grass is absolutely miserable right now. We need a day or two of rain to bring the river way up and wash out the grass.
Other than that, fishing has been pretty good.
2012/08/30 15:09:30
Holy crap you are right-that grass was HORRIBLE!!!  Ive never seen it that bad anywhere ever.  Every cast filled with crap.
But we still caught some feesh.  A couple nice smallies on bait and a few on jigs too.  I was working my favorite spot underneath some huge boulders in the morning when the biggest walleye ive ever seen shot out to grab my jig.  I watched him open his huge mouth, i set the hook, and...missed.  I was shaking for 10 minutes afterward!  I can't believe i missed that fish-it would have been truly EPIC-just like the 2017 steelhead run will be ;)
Anyhow, a beautiful day in my old family stomping grounds-i love the Alleg.  river in Kennerdel.  
2012/08/30 15:11:50
Where does all that floating crap come from...  I think it's the worst I've seen since... maybe ever.

The floating grass is absolutely miserable right now. We need a day or two of rain to bring the river way up and wash out the grass.

Other than that, fishing has been pretty good.

2012/09/02 05:16:33
So is the problem that the water has been so clear this year that it is growing even more than usual?  My experience has been that the grass breaking loose and floating downriver was worse after a rain--especially on the French Creek side.
2012/09/02 05:41:51
The river has been low and clear nearly all Spring and Summer, so yea, the river grass has grown thicker than normal. It has on French Creek as well. Actually, it's thicker, and has grown in more places, than I have ever seen. Numerous things start the grass breaking loose, but the main thing is a drop in water temperature this time of year causing die off to begin, and dead grass to break loose.
It's worse after a rain, one that actually raises the water level, because the floating grass will gather in slow pockets and eddies when water level is low. The rising water causes it to move out and wash down.
We actually need a deluge to wash the river out and I was hoping for the remnants of Hurrican Isaac to wash  us out, but sadly it looks as if that probably won't happen.
If you think the grass makes fishing miserable, try running a jet drive outboard in it! You have to stop and clean the jet out constantly!
2012/09/02 10:33:27
i cannot imagine trying to run a boat through that crap right now.  
2012/09/02 14:13:11
Yeah, I ran my jet last night... not fun.  And the fishing is tough also... not sure what lures to use other than short casts with "weedless" soft plastics.

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