2012/12/03 18:01:55
^^ +1 likethe " Wilhelm problem" .....and panfish for food ....like crappie (they become undersized) and gills
2012/12/04 10:38:10
Well theres ways to control the G-shad population and/or alwife populations....Its all common sense.  Stocking fingerlings or fry of anything anymore is a waste of time and should be a thing of the past.  Stock the correct species, but keep them in hatcheries longer to get bigger to ensure better survival rates.  In the long run, they can stock way less numbers of better quality fish....fish that will keep the fatty baitfish numbers in check and get bigger, fatter, quicker. 
Oh wait...."common sense" & (Game Commission)OOPS!....PFBC rarely go hand in hand.....I forgot!
I kept the "Game" commission in there since they're no better at management!
2012/12/04 12:33:25
It comes down to numbers it takes money to grow fish. Feeding fish to adult stage isn't cheap. They pig and poke their way around state parks.
2012/12/04 12:38:26
I think you meant to post this under the Pymie thread. But I agree feeding a fish to adult stages would become very expensive.
2012/12/04 15:31:53
Ya your Probally right. Its tough posting from my phone. Nothing seems to work right!
2012/12/04 20:17:38
Didn't know the game commission got into stocking fish. Huh, learn sumthin' new each and every day!
2012/12/04 23:25:26
wade alexander
2012/12/08 09:22:03
I realize many people in PA bash the PFC, but they and their programs are very highly rated throughout the country as being amongst the best in the U.S. . I'm not writing my opinion of them, merely stating what I have read mx times in mx magazines.

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