2012/11/08 12:11:47
What does the River look like at Jamestown Dam or at Shenango Dam?  Not sure I want to fight the crowds this Saturday at Elk Creek.  I was looking for some Walleye fishing. 
2012/11/08 12:33:04
I will only fish for Steel Mid week...and later in the fall....I see no fun in fishing shoulder to shoulder....I Vote Walleye...and they taste a lot better!
2012/11/08 17:25:28
Looking at the gauges the river up in Jamestown is ok, but high from Shenango Lake downstream.  I would go for steel since you can catch eyes year round, and if you walk just a little you won't have to fish shoulder to shoulder.  And although they might not tast better, they fight a lot better! Whatever you choose they're both good.  
2012/11/08 20:16:39
Some disagree with me, but everything taste different out of the river verses a lake. 
I agree with trout guy, go for steel. It only comes in once a year.
2012/11/08 20:27:43
  You can catch walleyes at Pyme year round, but that's in the lake proper ONLY. It does not include the outflow, the lowhead dam etc... . Many people [ for some reason ] are under the impression one can harvest 'eyes at the outflow with the same regs as the lake, but that is definitely not accurate. The season, size limit and daily limit for 'eyes at the outflow are the same for PA inland waters. Considering the time of the year and expected forecast for this weekend, personally I would opt for the'eyes, but that's just my opinion. If your time permits, perhaps you could do one day at Erie and the other day at Pyme. Whatever you choose, you should have an exceptionally fun time. It will be a great weekend to be on the water.
2012/11/09 08:02:03
Maybe if you havta get yer fill of combat fishing in, you could go up the spillway, it's hot was hot up there a couple weeks ago.. just sayin....
2012/11/09 16:59:29

  You can catch walleyes at Pyme year round, but that's in the lake proper ONLY. It does not include the outflow, the lowhead dam etc... .

So you can't CATCH walleyes year round in the river?lol  I never said anything about keeping them, just catcing them.  The law doesn't say you have to keep the fish you catch.
2012/11/11 10:54:48
2012/11/12 12:41:56

I will only fish for Steel Mid week...and later in the fall....I see no fun in fishing shoulder to shoulder....I Vote Walleye...and they taste a lot better!

I'm with you on that!  Wednesday is the new Saturday on Elk!  Doesn't mater WHAT day you go on this time of year anymore!!

2012/11/19 19:53:04


You can catch walleyes at Pyme year round, but that's in the lake proper ONLY. It does not include the outflow, the lowhead dam etc... .

So you can't CATCH walleyes year round in the river?lol  I never said anything about keeping them, just catcing them.  The law doesn't say you have to keep the fish you catch.

Sure you can catch them and not keep them, but the law is that you can't actively fish for a species that is out of season which is what you might be doing depending on what time of the year it is. It wouldn't matter that you aren't keeping them except that if you did, the fine would be worse. Right now you're safe to catch them there. And yes, if you were out of season you could always say to a WCO that you weren't fishing for walleye, but that isn't an automatic reason for innocense [ whether true or not] and your trangressions may not be favorable. In short, you still might end up with an unwelcomed citation. Why put yourself into a potentially difficult situation that is avoidable? You may have to attempt to sway the opinion of someone who has power over you and that usually doesn't go very well.

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